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Exercise Thread ~ 9/23 - 9/29


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Love to workout though my weight has gone up in recent years. No, it's not muscle, rather hormones =/


Usually, depending on how much time I have, injuries, and time of the month, I alternate between:


30 min sprint 8 workout on elliptical

45 min fat burning on elliptical

Gin Miller's Reebok Intense Moves and Original Step workouts

Amy Bento Slo-Mo Strength Challenge

Gilad Cuts and Curves

Sahra Esmonde-White Essentrics

Miranda Esmond-White Classical Stretch






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Exhale Core Fusion: Pilates Plus




I have this on my wish list. Tell me how you like it.

I like it a lot. I'm often surprised at how challenging some of the parts are, particularly anything to do with balance/the Tree Sequence.

Some might find the instructor annoying. I don't. DVDs are so subjective.

I highly recommend watching some video clips first. You could probably find more clips by doing a Google search also.

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Monday: 5 mile run & 20 min SUP & 20 min kayak & 50 min bike

Tuesday: 8 mile run & 20 min walk


* SUP = stand up paddleboard = super crazy fun core and aerobic workout


Wednesday: so far, 20 min SUP . . . Run, etc coming later


ETA: rest of Wednesday: 20 more min SUP and 5 mile run

Edited by StephanieZ
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Tell us more about SUP. Paddleboard? I don't know what that is. Is it a water thing? I hear paddle and I think water.


Yup, it is a water sport.


A SUP is sort of like an oversized surf board, and you stand up on it, and then hold a paddle that you use to paddle yourself around. You can do it on still water or even surf. Where we vacation on the Gulf of Mexico, surf is generally small, so we are doing it in small surf. Super fun!


SUP is an incredible core workout as you are using your entire body, especially your core, to maintain balance. It is also really fun!


(We are currently on day 4 of our month at the beach. We take summer vacation in the fall . . . So this month will have lots of fun sports in it, lol.)

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Will be going for a swim in a little while.


My youngest woke up and vomited so I'm lucky I was able to sneak in a run.

Hope he's better.


It was this event...

Footage for this year is not available.

Wow! :D


A SUP is sort of like an oversized surf board, and you stand up on it, and then hold a paddle that you use to paddle yourself around.

(We are currently on day 4 of our month at the beach. We take summer vacation in the fall . . . So this month will have lots of fun sports in it, lol.)

How lovely! Enjoy your vacation. :)



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It was this event...







Wow, you won't catch me doing that. Too scary.



Yup, it is a water sport.


A SUP is sort of like an oversized surf board, and you stand up on it, and then hold a paddle that you use to paddle yourself around. You can do it on still water or even surf. Where we vacation on the Gulf of Mexico, surf is generally small, so we are doing it in small surf. Super fun!


SUP is an incredible core workout as you are using your entire body, especially your core, to maintain balance. It is also really fun!


(We are currently on day 4 of our month at the beach. We take summer vacation in the fall . . . So this month will have lots of fun sports in it, lol.)


It does sound fun but I have a fear of the ocean. Well, not the ocean but what's in it. I've had one too many dramatic experiences.


1. Sliced my entire sole of the foot open on a shell while swimming in ocean.


2. Got stung *twice* on the same leg by a jellyfish. It hit me on the front of the leg as the wave hit me heading toward the beach and then it stung me on the back of the same leg as the wave rolled back into the ocean. That HURT. A lot. For days. Much hurt.


3. While walking in the ocean stepped on weird freaky alive animal that wrapped itself around my foot and wouldn't let go. When it finally did I had hundreds of tiny holes in my foot and it hurt. For days.


4. My friend and I (we were about 13ish) were standing thigh deep (in the Gulf of Mexico) and something "bumped" into him. As we walked out of the water we saw blood gushing down his leg. He had a round chunk missing from right above his knee cap. The doctor said it was a sand shark bite.


5. Vacationing in Daytona and only about 200 feet from me a person was kind of splashing around and trying to swim. The lifeguard blew the whistle, ran in, and pulled the guy out. There was blood all over his lower half. Needless to say everyone was running out of the water. Helicopter came and picked him up. I don't know where or how he was bitten, but the beach was closed the rest of the day.


So, yeah, I think there is a greater power warning me to stay out of the ocean! The last time we were at the beach I hyperventilated the whole time my kids were in the water. My dh tells me to relax. Hard to do when my kids have entered the food web as prey. :tongue_smilie:





I did JM 6 week 6 pack today.

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I'm finally back in the swing of things after taking last Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday off from running.


Tuesday: Crossfit...I was really happy with my performance, but my right shoulder is really sore (not injured, just SUPER sore).

Today: 4 mile run.


Tomorrow: Crossfit

Saturday: 8 mile run

Sunday: 3 mile recovery run (SLLLOOOWWW)


I need to get out of the habit of back-loading my weeks. Next week's goal is to get up early Monday morning to run. So hard to do for me after the weekend.

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Yup, it is a water sport.


A SUP is sort of like an oversized surf board, and you stand up on it, and then hold a paddle that you use to paddle yourself around. You can do it on still water or even surf. Where we vacation on the Gulf of Mexico, surf is generally small, so we are doing it in small surf. Super fun!


SUP is an incredible core workout as you are using your entire body, especially your core, to maintain balance. It is also really fun!


(We are currently on day 4 of our month at the beach. We take summer vacation in the fall . . . So this month will have lots of fun sports in it, lol.)


I saw people doing this on a lake this summer when we were on vacation. It did look really fun. Too bad we don't live near water!


I've been lurking on these threads recently, trying to get my motivation to start exercising again. I stopped somehow (why? why? why?) last May and have hardly done anything since.


I did go for a walk today, about 3 miles.

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I saw people doing this on a lake this summer when we were on vacation. It did look really fun. Too bad we don't live near water!


I've been lurking on these threads recently, trying to get my motivation to start exercising again. I stopped somehow (why? why? why?) last May and have hardly done anything since.


I did go for a walk today, about 3 miles.


ATTA GIRL!!!!!!!!!! One workout at a time!! What are you going to do tomorrow?!?


Me, today, Thursday: 1 hr kayak + 20 min SUP (officially a rest day)


Friday & Saturday are my intense running days this week . . . Got my fingers crossed for my 18 miler Saturday. I still freak out every time I plan a run that sounds like a long DRIVE, lol. Here goes nothing . . .


RE: Scary ocean stuff . . . well, yes, there are many scary things in the ocean, but we choose not to allow it to keep us from enjoying the ocean. We see sharks pretty much daily here. But, we've never been bitten by one. When they see US, they turn tail and leave quickly. We stay out of the water when we see a big one (say over 3-4 ft), but that is just because we are unreasonably scared by seeing them. We know they are there all the time. We see sting rays daily, but in the MANY months we've spent here, in the water most of the day all month, we've only had one sting. It was REALLY painful for dh, but no serious damage done. Lots of canon ball jelly fish out a bit deeper than we swim, but they don't have much tentacles and don't seem to sting. Stinging jellies are rare here.


At the end of the day, though, the fact is that we are MUCH more likely to be hurt driving to the beach or home from the beach, or to the grocery store . . . than we are to be hurt (significantly) in the ocean. We take reasonable precautions (life vests when the kids weren't yet strong swimmers . . . and whenever there is a big surf or any undertow . . . and always when in boats except for flat water paddling . . . avoiding sharks if we know they are in the water then and there . . . shuffling feet to avoid stingray stings) but we don't let the risks prevent us from enjoying the ocean!

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All three boys have a cold and they have shared it me. Woke up last night with a sore throat. I made a half hearted attempt to run this morning. I know that exercise will help me get better faster....in my head.


Maybe I'll try to throw in some yoga at some point today.



As far as fear of animals in the ocean.....I never claimed I was rational about my fear. :tongue_smilie:

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All three boys have a cold and they have shared it me. Woke up last night with a sore throat. I made a half hearted attempt to run this morning. I know that exercise will help me get better faster....in my head.


Maybe I'll try to throw in some yoga at some point today.



As far as fear of animals in the ocean.....I never claimed I was rational about my fear. :tongue_smilie:


Does it? I thought that wearing down the body by working out when you're sick could cause you to take longer to get healthy. Doesn't the body need to devote its energy to healing?


Now, I don't take time off for the sniffles or a mildly sore throat, but I would for a more severe cold or strep throat. I might still walk or do some easy yoga, but nothing taxing. Hmmm...have I just been making excuses all these years?:tongue_smilie: I've been a little afraid of getting sick during my training periods because of the setback. Thankfully, we've all been healthy.




My shoulder feels much better this morning (probably 95%) and I'm finally seeing results on the scale again. We'll see what Crossift has in store today...

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All three boys have a cold and they have shared it me. Woke up last night with a sore throat. I made a half hearted attempt to run this morning. I know that exercise will help me get better faster....in my head.


Maybe I'll try to throw in some yoga at some point today.



As far as fear of animals in the ocean.....I never claimed I was rational about my fear. :tongue_smilie:


So sorry you are not well. Don't overdo it! Hope you are on the mend soon.

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Does it? I thought that wearing down the body by working out when you're sick could cause you to take longer to get healthy. Doesn't the body need to devote its energy to healing?


Now, I don't take time off for the sniffles or a mildly sore throat, but I would for a more severe cold or strep throat. I might still walk or do some easy yoga, but nothing taxing. Hmmm...have I just been making excuses all these years?:tongue_smilie: I've been a little afraid of getting sick during my training periods because of the setback. Thankfully, we've all been healthy.




If you're really sick then, yes, you need to rest. If it's a minor cold, sore throat, headache, etc. then exercise will get the blood flowing and help get those white blood cells spread around.


I'm not sick enough to not work out. I have a sore throat, stuffy nose, and just feel blah. So a workout would do me good. :001_smile: Now, to do it......that's another issue. ;)

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Not going in the ocean. Ever.

Bad, bad experience as a child--I got carried out in my floatation device in the Gulf of Mexico. You know that the shore looks a million miles away when you are six years old? I still have very, very vivid memories of that and to this day will not go in deeper than my ankles.


I don't do lakes either. For one, there are usually nasty bacteria in them around here. For two, they have dead logs and downed trees in them. I can't stand that. Irrational fear of being caught and drowned in them.


Ran 2.5 miles on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, 2.5 on Thursday. 4 mile run set for Saturday.

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If you're really sick then, yes, you need to rest. If it's a minor cold, sore throat, headache, etc. then exercise will get the blood flowing and help get those white blood cells spread around.


I'm not sick enough to not work out. I have a sore throat, stuffy nose, and just feel blah. So a workout would do me good. :001_smile: Now, to do it......that's another issue. ;)


Ah...got it. That does make sense. Maybe thinking about those benefits will get me up and going next time I feel a bit crummy. When I have a stuffy nose, a good run does help me feel better for some of the day now that I think about it. I get very minor sore throats a lot (I think it is an allergy symptom) so they don't tend to slow me down.


I hope you feel better soon!

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Am about to go for a swim.


What is "Callanetics" exactly?

Callanetics is very similar to barre. Not appealing to all, since it's not super-new or anything. There are some new DVDs. Not much time at the moment, so I'm copying and pasting the info I took from other forums and here.


I know that Callanetics is something people either really love or seriously dislike but I would vote for Super Callanetics as one of the hardest barre workouts ever produced, if not, THE hardest.

Although these are all dated, many/all are kick-butt workouts!

I love these workouts.

As I was doing this and as I've been doing recent similar ballet-based workouts, it occurred to me that I wish I'd stuck with this form of exercise rather than done years of heavy cardio. I feel that the latter bulked me up too much.

Callanetics workouts, at least the ones I’ve seen are a bit slow at times and very, very calm and boring.

Others have said that their abs got flatter, their pant legs got looser around the thighs, and they felt taller and leaner.

Many turn to Callanetics when they’ve bulked up their thighs. It seems to lean them out really quickly.

Callanetics, when done regularly, takes some down an entire size in clothes.

My overall conclusion is that Callanetics is a great way for people to get into barre work, and if you are looking for a relaxing, yet challenging workout. Some may want something that moves a little more quickly, so I think it would be great in rotation with other barre work.

“Of all the workouts that I've done, Callanetics is the workout that allowed me to drop a whole size in clothes without changing my diet or losing a single pound. I saw and felt physical changes in the looks of my body with Callanetics. “




Best mirror ever! :D

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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I was able to get my 8 mile run in. The weather was TERRIBLE! The humidity was 90% and the sun was beating down on us...but we did it. So happy it's done and my times were decent.



Finished week 2 of P90X!


:hurray: I've never done P90X, but heard a lot of great Thngs about it from friends who've done it. Congrats!

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Friday: 8 mile run + 20 min SUP

Saturday: 18 mile run + 20 min SUP


Put a fork in me, I'm DONE!


Totally toasted, lol. 44 miles this week, my peak marathon training mileage week. Oh, Lordy, I am looking forward to this coming cut-back week!


Tomorrow will be a rest day, for sure. Maybe a bit of biking or SUP or whatever, but mostly napping on the beach with a novel.

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