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Pregnancy anemia question....

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If you had anemia during pregnancy, how long did it take you to feel better after you started taking iron?


I'm 33 weeks and had blood work done on Friday. The Dr. just called and said my hemoglobin was 9 and he wants me to start iron supplements twice a day in addition to my prenatal vitamins which I was already taking.


I am glad to have a reason for my fatigue, heart racing, and light headedness. I just hope it's a quick fix.


Any thoughts or experience with this?

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When I was anemic while pregnant, I took Slow Fe, a once-per-day time-release iron supplement, and started feeling better literally within a day or two. I highly recommend Slow Fe, which can be found over the counter at any pharmacy, though you may have to ask them for it (they might literally keep it behind the counter because of its price; I can't remember, but I'm sure I bought it at Walgreens and Target).

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Iron pills are not that effective, IMO. They don't assimilate well in the body and can cause constipation.


First increase your intake of iron-rich foods. Always go to food sources first.


You can add something like Floradix or Hemaplex as a supplement. In my practice I've found that Floradix is more effective than Hemaplex. For a hemoglobin of 9 I recommend 2T/day of Floradix. If you choose to try Hemaplex, follow the dose on the box.


Eat iron-rich foods and/or take the supplement with something that has Vitamin C. It will help the absorption. Some like to put the Floradix in a small glass of OJ or grape juice.


Do not eat iron-rich foods and/or take the supplement with calcium-rich foods. That will hinder the absorption.


Floradix isn't very tasty. ;) I've found that when women are needing a supplement, they LOVE the way it tastes. Then suddenly one day, as their body has recovered, it tastes like nails.


You'll have bright yellow urine from the Floradix. That is just the excess B Vitamins that your body doesn't need.


You should start feeling better quite soon. :)

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I was anemic early on in pregnancy. It took a few weeks to feel better. It happened again later in my pregnancy. I could tell because I was craving bloody meat.:D I don't remember feeling better until a few months after I gave birth, but I had also lost a lot of weight in the last 8 weeks of pregnancy. After I gave birth I weighed 30 lbs less than when I got pregnant. I felt like a shadow of myself.

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Iron pills are not that effective, IMO. They don't assimilate well in the body and can cause constipation.


First increase your intake of iron-rich foods. Always go to food sources first.


You can add something like Floradix or Hemaplex as a supplement. In my practice I've found that Floradix is more effective than Hemaplex. For a hemoglobin of 9 I recommend 2T/day of Floradix. If you choose to try Hemaplex, follow the dose on the box.


Eat iron-rich foods and/or take the supplement with something that has Vitamin C. It will help the absorption. Some like to put the Floradix in a small glass of OJ or grape juice.


Do not eat iron-rich foods and/or take the supplement with calcium-rich foods. That will hinder the absorption.


Floradix isn't very tasty. ;) I've found that when women are needing a supplement, they LOVE the way it tastes. Then suddenly one day, as their body has recovered, it tastes like nails.


You'll have bright yellow urine from the Floradix. That is just the excess B Vitamins that your body doesn't need.


You should start feeling better quite soon. :)




Is this the right stuff?


As far as food goes, I have been eating steak a lot because I've been craving it. I've also been eating spinach salad several times a week. I can't believe I'm still so low!

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Was wondering how you were??


I'm doing well, thank you. The actual lab test/cbc put my level at 9.9 last time they were checked, which I'm fine with. Since then I'm sure it is higher, as I've been taking my iron at least once a day, usually twice a day. I'm not craving ice as much either. So doing well, thanks for asking!

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Iron pills are not that effective, IMO. They don't assimilate well in the body and can cause constipation.


First increase your intake of iron-rich foods. Always go to food sources first.


You can add something like Floradix or Hemaplex as a supplement. In my practice I've found that Floradix is more effective than Hemaplex. For a hemoglobin of 9 I recommend 2T/day of Floradix. If you choose to try Hemaplex, follow the dose on the box.


Eat iron-rich foods and/or take the supplement with something that has Vitamin C. It will help the absorption. Some like to put the Floradix in a small glass of OJ or grape juice.


Do not eat iron-rich foods and/or take the supplement with calcium-rich foods. That will hinder the absorption.


Floradix isn't very tasty. ;) I've found that when women are needing a supplement, they LOVE the way it tastes. Then suddenly one day, as their body has recovered, it tastes like nails.


You'll have bright yellow urine from the Floradix. That is just the excess B Vitamins that your body doesn't need.


You should start feeling better quite soon. :)


:iagree::iagree::iagree: except I don't think floradix is bad tasting. Please do something other than synthetic iron. It just doesnt work and can cause constipation.

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My iron during pregnancy got so low that I started fainting in stores. Here are a couple of things to note:


You should get your B12 tested as well. They often fall together and lack of B12 can inhibit the uptake of iron whether through supplementation or food. I needed B12 injections.


Floridex stained my ds's teeth, so make sure you rinse with water afterwards.


Keep meat and dairy separate because Calcium inhibits iron uptake, and make sure to eat fruit or vegis with your iron meal because you need vit C to get iron.


Ruth in NZ

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