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CC, St. Irene Chrysovalantou

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I've had a number of people PM me asking which church/ Orthodox saint I mentioned in the "no longer Christian" thread. So for any Orthodox Christians (or anyone else) I wanted to post a picture of the miraculous icon. The church has also held a relic of the saint on occasion.


If anyone lives near or travels to NYC I highly recommend visiting the church even as a tourist. You can't go in there without feeling a great sense of peace and beauty! It is on 23rd Avenue in Astoria, near the last stop on the N train.





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Is this the name of the church or the name of the saint? I ask because the apples make me wonder if it's St. Dorothea- which is a particularly interesting saint to which you prayed in front of for faith.:001_smile:


here's a bit of her story:


St. Dorothy was again subjected to tortures, but she gladly endured them and accepted the death sentence. She cried out with joy, thanking Christ for calling her to Paradise and to the heavenly bridal chamber. As they led the saint to execution, Theophilus, one of the governor’s counselors, laughed and said to her, “Bride of Christ, send me an apple and some roses from the Paradise of your Bridegroom.†The martyr nodded and said, “I shall do that.â€



At the place of execution, the saint requested a little time to pray. When she finished the prayer, an angel appeared before her in the form of a handsome child presenting her three apples and three roses on a pure linen cloth. The saint requested that these be given to Theophilus, after which she was beheaded by the sword.




Having received the gracious gift, Theophilus was shaken, and he confessed Christ as the true God. His friends were astonished, and wondered whether he were joking, or perhaps mad. He assured them he was not.


Sorry it's long.... it's from here:




It is the saint my oldest daughter took as her patron when we became Orthodox, that's why I happen to know about it. :D

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