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Teachers Lounge 8-28-2012

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Welcome to Tuesday in the Teachers Lounge!


Today's fare includes:

*Coffee, lattes, and Mochas

*Homestead Breakfast


*and various snacks


Today's travel feature includes two different libraries and Blockbuster.


On that note:

Is there a library near you? Is it decent or very podunk? We have several, some I like better than others. The second one on the itinerary today has a conference room that can be rented for $5.00/hour. I'll be renting it for an hour this afternoon to prepare for my Company Ballet audition tonight!


Do you have a Blockbuster or other movie rental place near you? What's your favorite genre of movie? Who is your favorite ?actor/actress?

We have Blockbuster Total Access so we get movies in the mail, watch them, then go exchange them for free at the store. I used to really like romantic comedies but not so much anymore. There are some older rom coms that I'll still watch but what has come out lately hasn't looked very appealing. I do like action/adventure and occasionally drama.


As for actors/actresses, I'd say my favorite actress is Sandra Bullock but Claire Danes is pretty incredible, too. As for actors, I am totally on a Jeremy Renner kick lately. ;)


Okay, talk to me! :bigear:

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I'll take some breakfast with water, please.


Is there a library near you? Is it decent or very podunk? They are building a new library five minutes from our house. It will be done (we hope!) in October. Right now we have to drive about 20 min. to a very nice library. Our library system (which both the new and old libraries are part of) has gotten recent awards as the busiest and best in the U.S. Not bad, huh.


Do you have a Blockbuster or other movie rental place near you? What's your favorite genre of movie? Who is your favorite ?actor/actress? The only movie rentals really close by are in the grocery store. We can drive about 20 min. to a Blockbuster but only go there about twice a year. We also check out older movies from the library.


Favorite genre - action of the Mission Impossible, James Bond, or Sherlock Holmes variety.


Favorite actor - Patrick Stewart

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So far I have had coffee and cereal. Kids had waffles and yogurt and water.


Lunch: leftover homemade chicken and rice soup from yesterday.


dinner: potroast, probably with rice and broccoli. Rice is easy and everybody likes it.


Today: school, drop off a couple of books at the library, my new work for a couple of hours, then stop by the grocery on the way home for like 2 items that are on sale for which I have coupons.


Library: We have a great one. We have lots of branches as well. Some are newer and fancier, but our closest one is fine. I can reserve books from any of them online and they are sent to mine. Works for me. They also have lots of programs for the years we are able to take advantage of them.


Blockbusters? No all near us have closed. We can only rent from redboxes now. My favorite movies are modern westerns and historical movies. Dh just bought me The Hatfields and McCoys DVDs for my bday. I had a wonderful weekend with that.

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Today is going to be super busy for us. Yesterday we got no school done so today some things will be doubled :glare:. However since dd isn't up yet, I'm headed to the local home depot to check prices on repair needs for the house I'm considering buying, and then to the local Habitat Restore to do the same. Tonight's fare is quesodillas with toppings and beans - we're trying to use up canned goods in case we move.


Is there a library near you? Is it decent or very podunk? Well I have one a half a block away, but I never go there. It's inside the public high school and I really don't like the atmosphere there. I don't use the public library much really as I paid way too much in fines for it to be cost effective. BUT I frequent the downtown library as the basement holds The Book Cellar, which is their donated / discarded book store. Kids books for .25, adult books for $1. And they even have a home school section ;) Speaking of which I need to go there this week:D


Do you have a Blockbuster or other movie rental place near you? What's your favorite genre of movie? Who is your favorite actor/actress? We have Redbox, and that's it :D . I like documentaries or historical but not westerns. As for actors / actresses....well I have a particular weakness for Alan Rickman as Snape, but it's more the Snape character than the actor. I've never been one to follow actors / actresses.

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Delaware has an amazing public library system. Our local branch is on the other side of the university from our house, about 1.5 miles away. It was remodeled a few years ago :) The children's section is huge, there's a separate young adult section, two meeting rooms, several quiet study rooms, a few dozen Internet computers for patrons, tables scattered through the nonfiction areas. I'm very happy with online catalog, especially when planning history and science. I love requesting the books online!


I can also use the university library but I haven't need to yet for dd12. Last year dd17 checked out some literary criticism books for a Brit Lit paper.


We've got Redboxes and some other blue rental kiosk. Is that Blockbuster? I don't really watch many movies, though I like rom coms the best :)

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Today's menu:

Breakfast: migraine pill & cappuccino for me, cereal and milk for monkeys

Lunch: leftover home made Japanese style chicken w/rice & veggies

Snack: apples

Dinner: pasta w/ home made roasted tomato sauce( cooking now), salad and home made bread

Dessert: cherry water ice



Is there a library near you? Is it decent or very podunk? Yes, it's across the street from my house, a homeschooler's dream.:) It's very nice, especially with inter library loan.


Do you have a Blockbuster or other movie rental place near you? What's your favorite genre of movie? Who is your favorite ?actor/actress?

We have a blue box and a red box. Each is about 2 blocks away. I like action moves. My favorite actor is Bruce Willis...he reminds me of my dh .:drool:



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Splitting headache here - I would love an Iced Hazelnut Latte. Maybe I'll go make one ;)


Is there a library near you? Is it decent or very podunk? It's very good. What isn't there is usually available through Interlibrary loan, which is usually quick. I order on-line and pick up 1-2 times a week. We pay $60 a year (plus overdue fines:D) because we live out of county, but it is worth every penny.


Do you have a Blockbuster or other movie rental place near you? What's your favorite genre of movie? Who is your favorite ?actor/actress?

I get all of our movies from the library or from the red box in our small village.

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I'm in DE like Luckymama, so I too love the statewide library system and do most requesting online. Our local branch is five minutes drive, but right near the farm where I get my CSA, so I go to both together on Saturdays.


Movie rental places (other than a Redbox at the shopping center right behind us) have been gone from the area for a few years. We do Netflix, which is plenty for us. I don't have a favorite actor or actress, but my guilty pleasure is romantic comedy. I like most comedies as long as they aren't raunchy.


Breakfast was eggs with spinach and green tea

Lunch was PB&J and peaches

Dinner will be chili, which I guess I need to go get cooking, and salad.

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