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No, writing two sentences in an hour is not impressive.


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That must be so frustrating! I'm asking more writing from my ds9 beginning this fall, but we're going to start gradually and build from a short paragraph to two substantial paragraphs per assignment by the time the school year's over.


The consistency of copywork, narration, dictation, BFSU science notebooking, weekly free writing, and History Odyssey should be plenty of writing.

Edited by sagira
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I hear you!!!


I started Classical Composition with dd11 last week. She was supposed to include "vivid descriptions" of the wind, a tree, and the ant. I got something like "the strong wind, big tree, and dumb ant." I thought I was going to suddenly acquire Hulk-like strength and pick up the table and throw it out the window. I just took a BIG breath and said, "Uh, no...try again." It didn't get much better, so I told her daddy would help her. That usually produces some good results. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Michele B
punctuation, spelling
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Welcome to my world. :tongue_smilie:


I sent my 7yo out to go play in the rain this afternoon. Maybe your ds just needs some puddle splashing time? ;)


BTW, how's the weather down there? Has the storm eased up for you? My kids have been complaining about having three cloudy/rainy days in a row. That's what prompted me to send ds out in the rain once it lightened up enough to be safe.

Edited by bonniebeth4
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Welcome to my world. :tongue_smilie:


I sent my 7yo out to go play in the rain this afternoon. Maybe your ds just needs some puddle splashing time? ;)


BTW, how's the weather down there? Has the storm eased up for you? My kids have been complaining about having three cloudy/rainy days in a row. That's what prompted me to send ds out in the rain once it lightened up enough to be safe.



A fair amount of flooding. Our pool overflowed :glare: and we have a pond around our house. But it looks like it's letting up now. Hooray! Thanks for asking!

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I know what you mean. It's 6:25 and my 7yo still hasn't finished his math, grammar, or handwriting.:glare:


I even took time away to do other things - Latin, Spanish, History - hoping after a break and some "fun" subjects he could buckle down and do these. Instead he has sat there staring into space or playing with his pencil and eraser unless I am right there on top of him. Even then, I keep having to get him to refocus.


I don't know what it is about the math. It's not too hard. He just doesn't want to do it.

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