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Free (good) math programs?


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These websites offer free video lessons and sometimes printable workbooks or practice pages to accompany textbooks:






I actually found used student textbooks at a good price and use them along with the internet based lessons for my kids.


You can sometimes find free downloads of specific math lessons or subjects at Currclick. The ERIC database also has some free resources.

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MEP really is wonderful for the elementary grades. I haven't used the upper grades program, but based on the quality and depth of the elementary years, I'd have no hesitation at all about using this. With the elementary program, the costs were limited to printing and to the time you had to spend to figure it out. After figuring out how all the pieces worked together, it was very easy to pick up each day's lesson and go.

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Do you have a laser printer and a good supply of toner on hand? If not you may come out better getting Strayer Upton Math text. One book covers 7th and 8th grade, no TE needed and includes answers in back. It only cost $13.50 plus shipping. Sometimes you can find them second hand for less.


Book 3




My dh has been disabled for years, but we have not been able to prove that to the state (docs=$$$), so we have not been able to get disability for him. I was only able to get a pt job a few months ago, and believe you me when I say I know what tight is. When you have to weigh which is more important: a tire so you can make it home 40 miles away, or paying the light bill. I pray y'all will be able to get out of the *pit* soon!

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