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Singapore CWP


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When do you start the Challenging Word Problems for Singapore math? Ds7 is in 2A right now, and we have CWP2, but the first problem shows using the bar method to solve a problem that is more advanced than where we are right now. We are on Unit 2 Chapter 4, so we are just beginning to talk about renaming. The first problem in the CWP book has renaming, but we have not learned the bar method yet. This is our first year using SM, so is this something that they went over in the 1st grade book?

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The bar method is not introduced in the main textbook until 3A or 3B, I think. My child chose to solve the problems in CWP2 using the other methods she had learned in the textbooks, but you can read over the CWP examples using the bar method. If your child likes that method, he could start using it, but we waited until it was used in the textbook and explained in the HIG. Most people on this board seem to indicate that they use the CWP books about a half year behind where they are in the textbooks, so that the problems function as a review. That is what we are doing (i.e. when dd finished 2A, she started CWP2 and so on).

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We do CWP after finishing both books for the level. Ds8 is just starting CWP 4 after finishing PM4B. Doing it that way has made CWP a nice review and allowed him to solve the challenging sections independently.


I taught ds8 the bar method as we went and let him to choose when he wanted to use it. Since we use c-rods extensively, he liked the bar method. I would often draw his bars for him since that was hard for him for awhile.

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