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Did you have migraines that got better when you moved?

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This has to do with my daughter who has chronic daily migraines. She has tried everything we can think of -- meds, scent triggers, food triggers, vitamins, exercise, consistent schedules, etc. I believe more and more that her headaches are triggered by simply the area we live in. We KNOW that weather that is too hot, too humid, too stormy, too rainy, fluctuations in barometric pressure, and also the land around us -- mostly crops (corn) -- are triggers, maybe even the MAIN triggers. I think we have to seriously look into a long-term goal for her to live somewhere else. For example, I've heard that San Diego and Honolulu have the most stable barometric pressure fluctuations for migraine sufferers. (We're in the Midwest.)


Have any of you moved and found a significant improvement with your migraines? What were the differences in the new location (weather, lack of mold, city vs. farming area, etc.)?

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I moved from Florida to Ohio. I've only been in Ohio since last May, but since then I have had fewer migraines. In Florida I was having migraines about eight (sometimes as many as twelve) times a month. Since May, I've had about four, so as you can see, things have improved. I'm not sure why other than less tropical weather and low pressure systems, which really make me ill.

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Yes! I had severe migraines in Nevada and in Wisconsin. I also had them a bit in New York. When we moved to Florida my migraines improved a lot. Now when we have days and days of storms (which has been twice since we've lived here) I do tend to get them but they are more manageable. I do stay in more in the hotter weather or swim but I seem to do better here than in Wi.

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I just found this. Don't how accurate it is.




Well my most recent move (the one I just posted about seeing improvement) was from #18 to #52. Ironically I had my worst migraines in NV which was like 77 or so. I will say though I worked around xray machines then and I think it played a roll in it. When I quit the job my migrained improved dramatically.

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My ds's got a lot better when we moved from UT to TX, and I developed them. Environmental allergies definitely can be a trigger. Before moving to get rid of them, though, I'd likely go through extensive allergy testing to isolate them, and then study up on where you can go to get away from them. We moved here for work, so it wasn't something we were thinking of, just how it worked out.

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Before moving to get rid of them, though, I'd likely go through extensive allergy testing to isolate them, and then study up on where you can go to get away from them.


She did go through some allergy testing about 5 years ago, and the only biggie that popped up was corn smut. We didn't even know what it was! (We do now.) But, we are certainly surrounded by corn fields.


Well that's funny, I just looked up corn smut again, and it says that the corn smut fungus is actually an ingredient in some migraine medicines!

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Moving made my allergies and my asthma WORSE. I moved from a dry climate (California) to a wetter climate (North Carolina) and I have suffered far more here.


In research I have done, I read that the Carolinas are some of the worst places in the country to live for migraine sufferers. :(

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