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Really? It just took a web? Who knew?

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So my 11 yo has struggled with writing. First he had eyesight problems and by the time we fixed that it has been a slog. WWE was a giant bust. IEW has been better but slow. Today he did an assignment in his CLE LA that showed clustering or idea webs. He took off. What the heck?:confused: He said a picture made sense to him. Alrighty then. Web yourself crazy if it gets a coherent essay out of you.

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Today he did an assignment in his CLE LA that showed clustering or idea webs. He took off. What the heck?:confused: He said a picture made sense to him.



That's a very big hint that you may have a visual-spatial learner!


Mind mapping is a fabulous visual way of note-taking or brainstorming; it's just a slightly more complex version of the clustering or idea webs. You may want to look into showing mind mapping to your son as a way for him to do note-taking from a lecture or from a textbook that makes more sense to him than traditional outline format. See short videos and read more about mind mapping:

(video), here, here, and here. Here's a software based on the concept.



Happy visual writing/organizing! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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That's a very big hint that you may have a visual-spatial learner!


Mind mapping is a fabulous visual way of note-taking or brainstorming; it's just a slightly more complex version of the clustering or idea webs. You may want to look into showing mind mapping to your son as a way for him to do note-taking from a lecture or from a textbook that makes more sense to him than traditional outline format. See short videos and read more about mind mapping:

(video), here, here, and here. Here's a software based on the concept.



Happy visual writing/organizing! Warmest regards, Lori D.


As your son gets older, he may do well with mind mapping for taking notes. Also, there is software that takes story webs and converts them to a traditional outline form.


Thanks guys. My mind totally does not work this way. More research coming my way. Now to drive him crazy seeing if it will continue to work. At least he acted like " geez mom, why didn't you ever show me this before " which is a good sign.

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