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worked like a charm!!!!

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My kids have always been really good about asking to borrow something of mine....but then are also really good at NOT returning the item when they are finished...and I usually get caught up in something else and forget myself...so when I go to look for "x" I can't find it.


So, then I came up with this great idea (if I can say so myself)...make them give me a deposit of something that is valuable to them...to be returned upon return of my item...at the time, I made my kids each give me a dollar (which is a lot to them)...and they were all very quick to return my item when they were finished. YEAH!!!!!!!

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Ooooh, good idea. I think I need to charge deposits on EVERYTHING in the house so that said items are returned to their "home" when they are done with them.


Really. Who needs about 12 books off the shelf at one time? Or why do I find scissors laying on the couch? Or dirty laundry in the dining room?


:glare: My house was sooooo much cleaner and neater when my kids were small. Seriously.

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