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There is apparently a snake in my basement....somewhere. :glare: I went down last night to look for something and found a tiny shed skin on a towel. Sad thing is, the basement is a wreck...full of unpacked and half-unpacked boxes, empty boxes, and just junk in general. AND it is one of those creepy old basements with bad lighting, and weird crevices.


If I knew 100% that it was a black snake, I would be perfectly fine. Actually it's a very good chance that it IS just a black snake. But there are poisonous snakes in our area. :blink: :001_unsure:


I didn't tell the kids..lol. They wouldn't sleep for weeks.


Dh joked that the plus side was...we shouldn't have to worry about having a mouse problem :glare:

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The worst for me was when the cat brought up a baby snake. :eek: You know that means a mama snake.

And sometimes snakes are social. I would be calling the exterminator, like yesterday. You can also put down glue boards for rodents and if the snake crawls over it, it will also get stuck. Don't ask me how I know....

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And sometimes snakes are social. I would be calling the exterminator, like yesterday. You can also put down glue boards for rodents and if the snake crawls over it, it will also get stuck. Don't ask me how I know....


I'm pretty sure my dh would be laughed out of town if we called the exterminator. :lol: Yeah. Really sure. (We live in redneck/manly man country)


I'm not all that freaked out about it. More worried about getting bitten when I go to clean up the mess down there :tongue_smilie: Gloves will be in order. And much watching overhead.

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