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Book on feelings?


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I am required by our state to teach health. At my last review I was questioned hard about health because I had nothing to show them. My previous county said one unit a year was enough, but this one insists it be done all year long. I know they are going to be looking harder this go around since I essentially failed that subject last time. I am trying to put together something about feelings to teach to my second grader. Clearly he knows about happy and sad, but I'd like to discuss other feelings and was hoping someone could recommend a book that addresses these. Any help would be appreciated.

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Generally I don't jump in that much since I'm not homeschooling (yet!) so I hope you don't mind. I'm a children's librarian so these are mainly geared to the preschool set, but they should at least give you a jumping off point.


Grumpy Bunnies - Welch

Today I feel silly – Curtis

Pigeon has feelings too - Willems

How are you Peeling – Freymann

Lots of Feelings – Rotner

When sophie gets angry

Grumpy Bird - Tankard

Hope it helps.


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Generally I don't jump in that much since I'm not homeschooling (yet!) so I hope you don't mind. I'm a children's librarian so these are mainly geared to the preschool set, but they should at least give you a jumping off point.


Grumpy Bunnies - Welch

Today I feel silly – Curtis

Pigeon has feelings too - Willems

How are you Peeling – Freymann

Lots of Feelings – Rotner

When sophie gets angry

Grumpy Bird - Tankard


Hope it helps.



I thank you. This was helpful to me.

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DD really likes the various American Girl books, and some of them would count for health, though they are fairly tween-girl-oriented.


Things I count for health (I throw it under one topic of "Health, Safety, and Physical Education" in my portfolio): any discussion of adolescent changes, food safety, nutrition discussion, bike safety, physical education, infant development and care (last year's portfolio included several pictures of DD caring for her infant brother), discussion of disease, discussion of alcohol/drugs/drugs, firearms safety, fire safety (required every year in my state), dental health. I google for a couple of easy worksheets on one of those topics to throw in the portfolio, and we call it good. This year, we got the Safe Passage water safety DVD from the Army Corps of Engineers, and that, plus its accompanying worksheets, should be good for health. (Sorry, not feelings-related, but maybe that will give you some ideas to cover health.)

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