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age for Prydain Chronicles? (Book of Three; The Black Cauldron; The Castle of Lyr

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I just came across these (well, The Black Cauldron specifically) on the thread RE literature for advanced 2nd and 3rd graders ... does anyone have ideas for suggested ages/maturity for these?


I had thought to start my 7yo 2nd-grader with the first one this fall or spring. He's sensitive, used to hearing classic literature, and on the advanced end for his age comprehension-wise (though he isn't shockingly advanced :) -- he doesn't really read on his own much yet). But I came across a suggestion in "Books That Build Character" that the author's book The Truthful Harp is rec'd over the Prydain books for "younger readers", so am not sure. "Valerie and Walter's Best Books for Children" suggests it for after Chronicles of Narnia but before Tolkien, so that could be my best guide barring input from the Hive ...


thanks in advance!

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It's a wonderful series, with great language and a lot of richness to it. It does have some darker elements - The Black Cauldron, for example, is about a cauldron that re-animates corpses to do the owner's bidding. The last book in the series, The High King, has many deaths of beloved characters.


"After Narnia, before Tolkien" sounds about right to me.

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We read them as a family read aloud. My two youngest were 7 and 9 at the time and the books didn't really resonate with them. They listened to me read them with interest but it there wasn't a 'I can't wait to find out what happens next' kind of interest. My oldest, who was 11 at the time, enjoyed them more than the youngers.

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