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Family White Water Rafting

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Have you ever done a family white water rafting trip? With children on the younger side? I am thinking of taking my oldest son, who is 7 1/2, on a rafting trip this summer. Dh has some reservations about safety. The trip would be one specifically for families where children are welcome.


Here are the two I am thinking about:

Noah's Ark

Bighorn Sheep Canyon

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I would not take a 7 1/2 year old on a river with class III rapids (Noah's Ark link.) I would be surprised if they allowed it. Because kids are so light and because they often can't get their paddles dug into the water deep enough to assert counter-force, they are more likely to get thrown from the boat. Most of the time it will be okay, but if they try to stand up and get their foot trapped under a rock, etc., it can be very bad.


I think the Bighorn Sheep Canyon family rafting trip with class I and II rapids would be better for young children, but it will not be terribly exciting for the adults--sort of a float down the river with a little speed now and then.

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We've done rafting trips as a family. Last year we did a 3 day trip near Moab. If your dh is concerned, then look at the Class II trips instead of a Class III+. A Class I is too slow. We've been on both of those sections of river that you've linked to. You should call and ask about current river conditions - they can vary greatly.

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I did a trip with my 11yo niece who weighed almost nothing at the time.

The thing to be concerned with is the


A: the rate of the water, the depth, and the amount of white water in proportion to the weight of the child.


If the child is too light and gets into rough water, will they be bumped out and can you get to them in time before they are swept away.


So I would not take a lightweight child during the high water season on a river with rough rapids.



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We used Noah's Ark the beginning of July. The river was really low and we had to get out of the raft and walk around a couple of rapids. I believe Noah's Ark allows younger children. They were amazing. They make sure to put the most experienced guides with the rafts that have younger children. I was very impressed with the company and would recommend contacting them if you have specific questions.

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We've done the Bighorn Sheep Canyon trip several times - it's very mild, and perfect for families with young kids. Although I haven't taken my kids yet (DD is too young and DS has special needs), I've had kids in my raft on that stretch twice and they had a great time. This time of year, the water levels are much lower than at the beginning of summer, so it should be very safe. It might not be as exciting for adults though, as a pp pointed out. More of a leisurely float down the river - not too much whitewater action. ;)

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It had class 1-3 rapids. My 6 year old was allowed to go and we had a great time. They put him in the middle of the boat rather than the edge. He didn't have a paddle, just held on. My 11year old did get knocked out off the boat. I was scared for a second but she did what they taught us and we got her back in the boat no problem. A person could get hurt if they don't hold the paddle correctly as it could shoot back and hit someone in the face but we all held it correctly. Class 3 were plenty exciting enough. I don't think I would ever do 4.

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