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CC- would this bug you or am I being too sensitive?

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Take it from someone that was taken to a late night camp meeting at 5yrs old where they showed a (now cheesy, but then scary) movie of the anti-christ, people being taken at gunpoint, adults and children beheaded, tattooed foreheads on zombie-like prisoners, etc. This stuff does NOT belong in church. Children do NOT need to see this stuff. (btw, we LOVE LOTR, but my children have watched it with us and at our own discretion. It's not something I would just sit anyone's child down to)


I think I saw this same movie as a child and it scared the heck out of me for a long time!!! Children shouldn't be shown those types of films!

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I think I saw this same movie as a child and it scared the heck out of me for a long time!!! Children shouldn't be shown those types of films!


I was drug to that same movie as a young child. Nightmares for years, I tell ya! Sing with me, " I wish we'd all been ready...." :tongue_smilie:

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I just wanted to come back and add that I have been in a lot of different churches in a lot of different parts of the country over the years, (I spent several years with a traveling ministry group), and I have seen children treated as something other than part of the congregation at churches with separate children's services and churches where the children stay in service with the adults. It is not really about the structure or the programs, it is about the attitude of the people. You would be surprised how often people lose sight of that though. The message of Christ isn't about programs, it is about people. Worship style, small groups vs Sunday School vs Bible studies, activites offered or not are not individually indicative of the heart of a church. When you peel it all away a church either seeks to serve with the heart of Christ or it doesn't.


IMO any church not attending to the spiritual needs of the children in thier congregation is not serving with the heart of Christ. The location of the children during Sunday service is irrelevant in those situations.



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I was drug to that same movie as a young child. Nightmares for years, I tell ya! Sing with me, " I wish we'd all been ready...." :tongue_smilie:

I was raised under that teaching and I recall two very vivid nightmares I had later AS A TEEN, due to it all.


Hey, they had a nitch: scare the crud outta them and they'll buy the insurance.

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well they didnt show the whole movie, it was just a clip and there was a point PLUS a warning. Maybe they should of gave a better warning, but i wouldnt throw a fit or find a new church over it.


I would keep my children away from it though.

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Do you mean screens in general or just the showing of video clips?

Most churches have screens for the words of the song. Our church has 2 screens which display the words for the songs, any specific verses or notes that the pastor wants to get across during the message, and a countdown before service begins.

Regarding the songs in particular, we have no other way of seeing the words without the screen.


LOL, I'm sorry...I couldn't help but find that funny. At all the churches that I have attended I've been able to see the words, and the did not have screens. The songs were either in the hymnal (usually) or, for churches that also used more modern songs, in a printed booklet, or just a few pages stapled together and left in the pews near the hymnal.

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LOL, I'm sorry...I couldn't help but find that funny. At all the churches that I have attended I've been able to see the words, and the did not have screens. The songs were either in the hymnal (usually) or, for churches that also used more modern songs, in a printed booklet, or just a few pages stapled together and left in the pews near the hymnal.


At first service, its traditional with hymnals and words in the bulletin. Second service is contemporary and the words are on the giant screen.

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LOL, I'm sorry...I couldn't help but find that funny. At all the churches that I have attended I've been able to see the words, and the did not have screens. The songs were either in the hymnal (usually) or, for churches that also used more modern songs, in a printed booklet, or just a few pages stapled together and left in the pews near the hymnal.


I've heard of that before.

It just isn't what we do, and it wouldn't make sense for us to do it.

Like I said before, I was talking about our church in particular, not churches as a whole. I really don't care how everyone sees the words to their songs every Sunday. :D

Perhaps I should have worded it differently... along the lines of 'We couldn't see the words to the songs without screens, without printing out our own basic 'hymnal' with everything we sing in it.' ;) It would have to be nearly the size of a normal hymnal (quite a cost to undertake) in order to fit all the songs we could possibly sing in it. Either that or we'd have to print up a new smaller booklet each week - hmmm... no. :lol:

Not to mention we would then have a huge wall with absolutely nothing on it, which could look kind of weird.

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IME and IMO, if this is the only way a pastor can make the sermon interesting/educational/visual to the congregation, you need a new church or a new pastor.


I haven't let my ds see LOTR because he's not old enough to read and understand the books, so a LOTR clip would infuriate me for several reasons.


Too bad there aren't any examples of spiritual warfare in the Bible the pastor could have used.:glare:




Susan in TX

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