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Singapore Standards VS. US


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Okay, I am using Singapore US Edition right now and we love it but I am curious about Standards edition. I have heard the only real difference in the teachers manual, is that the case?


I am looking for the difference and the pros and cons I suppose. I am confident teaching math at the level but I do like LISTS and exact teaching objectives and everything neatly laid out for me to tell me the additional resources needed each lessons and so on. Is that more of the Standards route?


Academically speaking is there a difference between the Standards or US editions?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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We've used US Edition for 1st-2nd and we'll use Standards for 3rd on up. You would like the Standards HIG much better. The US 1A/1B HIGs are like the Standards ones (because they were written later than the 2A, etc. HIGs) and I love them so much better than the US 2A/2B HIGs! Spiral bound so they lays flat. Organized. Easily readable. So much better.


SE has some extra topics so it can line up with California State Standards, but that doesn't mean that US Edition is BAD. It just focuses on less topics at the younger ages, which many people think is a good thing.


SE textbooks have more review than US edition. They are also full color and I'm pretty sure US Edition is B&W from 3A onward.


SE is more expensive.


Those are all the differences I can think of!

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I like the US version better than the Standards Edition. And I really like the HIG's better than the TMs.


Now for the why? Not sure why I like the US version better. It seems to me that a lot of the extra topics in the SE are just thrown in. I like the depth of the topics taught in the US version. And the scope and sequence just seems to make more sense to me.


The HIG seems to be more concise on the steps to teaching the concepts than the TMs. It is true the HGs do not lay flat like the TMs.

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There is no extra depth of topic in the US Edition. The Standards Edition covers everything the US Edition and then some.


The SE has more content, more review, is actually less expensive on a per page basis, and has better HIGs.


One "knock" on Primary Mathematics US Edition was not enough practice, not enough review and less than great teacher support. The Standards Edition scores on all 3 points.



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Bill---I knew you would pop in here!


I should have explained myself better. I feel that I am able to spend more time on each concept with the US version because less is taught each year. So the depth comes with more time to explore each concept.


I feel rushed to fit in each year of Standards. With everything included, it seems that we must move on to the next thing to fit it all in.


So if one is wired differently than I am and doesn't feel the need to push through everything in a year, Standards may work.


I do really like the HIGs better than the TMs. I feel they are geared more towards homeschoolers than teachers that need justification about how the concepts fit within standards.

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I use the standards. The HIG for standards is just so well laid out. I had a friends who used US and switched to Standards after seeing my HIG. The US Intensive Practice books are really good. I'm thinking of not using CWP and doing that instead. I like the Standards textbook and workbook. Nice in color, and as others said adequate review and work pages. I do use the Intensive Practice books because it takes them a step further and contains word problems as well. CWP is only word problems. Anyway, I'd look at the samples offered online to check out the difference. I'm in love with the Standards HIG though. I wish more curriculum guides were as well laid out.

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Bill---I knew you would pop in here!


I should have explained myself better. I feel that I am able to spend more time on each concept with the US version because less is taught each year. So the depth comes with more time to explore each concept.


I feel rushed to fit in each year of Standards. With everything included, it seems that we must move on to the next thing to fit it all in.


My feelings are different. I feel the US Edition is light on practice and review. The Standards Edition has more work on any given topic so I feel like we learn more by concentrating on the topic longer, with more practice, and I like the benefit of built-in review.


If we did not have the additional content I would need to supplement more than I do already. For us the SE is still a pretty efficient core program.


And the few additional topics the SE covers over time are important as far as I'm concerned.


So if one is wired differently than I am and doesn't feel the need to push through everything in a year, Standards may work.


At our "burn rate" I don't think the US Edition would last half a year. We have had no difficulty finishing SE (as afterschoolers working a year ahead) and still doing other math programs on the side, and using the IPs and CWPs. The "core" US Edition books are pretty thin. Too thin to be my preference.



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I personally prefer the "clean" visual look of the U.S. edition textbooks, but the U.S. edition HIG's are *HORRIBLE* IMHO. It's little more than an answer key with a few brief teaching tips thrown in. The standards edition ones have way more "hand-holding" and guidance.


I personally find that the end-of-chapter reviews in the standards edition are overkill for my kids at the time when they're scheduled, but are perfect to do one semester behind on Fridays as refreshers.


If you're not using the HIG's, then I'd say the U.S. edition is fine. But if you need the extra help in teaching Singapore, definitely go with the standards ed.

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Just so you know...the books from 1A-3B are the same with the exception of interchanging metric and Singapore money for Standard unit of measurement and US money. I have mostly the US editions but I found a few SE for less than a buck and they are the same.


This is true for the 3rd edition vs. the U.S. edition, however the Standards edition has a different scope & sequence. They cannot be used interchangeably with either of the earlier editions.

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This is true for the 3rd edition vs. the U.S. edition, however the Standards edition has a different scope & sequence. They cannot be used interchangeably with either of the earlier editions.


That's not what SM website said. They said up to 3b is entirely interchangeable.

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I think you misunderstood whatever you read on their website. They aren't interchangeable, although it wouldn't be too challenging to switch from US Edition to Standards Edition at that level. The differences between the two editions start in 1A.


I recommend you look at the Scope and Sequence available on their website. It's very thorough, and very clear about the differences.

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That's not what SM website said. They said up to 3b is entirely interchangeable.


I cannot speak to 1A/B or 2A/B because I've only ever seen the SE of those, but having copies of both the U.S. and SE 3A/B there are definitely differences in the S&S. For details, check the side-by-side comparison here.


Now it is true that there are bigger differences in S&S for the later books. But if a parent is picking up used books piecemeal, he/she cannot mix-and-match the editions.

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That's not what SM website said. They said up to 3b is entirely interchangeable.


I think you're mixing up level 3 and the 3rd edition. 3rd edition is no longer in print. It is interchangeable with the US edition though. Right now, for new books, your choices are Standard or US editions.



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