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Any New Yorkers reporting for the first time this year?

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Been at this for 18 years. Don't sweat it....and ONLY give what is required. No extra info. Your IHIP should fit on one page......your quarterly should fit on one page. Do not write them a book. Save your energy for teaching your kids.



:iagree: I'm in a nitpickly district and even that isn't so bad. I just say, "I'm sorry we are choosing not to ____________bc it's not required by NY homeschooling law." It's annoying but not horrible. Remember, most districts are just concerned with making sure the kids are educated. They actually have no authority over HOW you are educating. It's a paperwork game, that's all. It will be fine.

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I'm in a nitpicky district. But I'm not one to ruffle feathers. Their main thing is giving me THEIR quarterly dates for reporting, I know I am suppose to pick them.

If the law says that *you* pick the dates (and it does), then *you* pick the dates. Don't let them bully you.


If you allow them to dictate to you in this little matter, it will be something else next time, and something else the next time.

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I'm in a nitpicky district. But I'm not one to ruffle feathers. Their main thing is giving me THEIR quarterly dates for reporting, I know I am suppose to pick them.

Well.....if those dates work for you...fine. If not, put your dates on your paperwork and see if it gets by them. If it does....no problem. If it doesn't, you can always ask where it says You have to use those dates in the regs.


Play a little stupid....but ask questions...and point out what you see in the regs. KNOW your REGS!!! Most of the school people don't. You do not have to be antagonistic, but since they are their regs....they ought to follow them.

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Well.....if those dates work for you...fine. If not, put your dates on your paperwork and see if it gets by them. If it does....no problem. If it doesn't, you can always ask where it says You have to use those dates in the regs.


Play a little stupid....but ask questions...and point out what you see in the regs. KNOW your REGS!!! Most of the school people don't. You do not have to be antagonistic, but since they are their regs....they ought to follow them.


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I'm going on year 3 of home schooling in NYS, for 2 different districts.

The one I am in now is very hands off as long as you follow the guidelines of NYS.


It also helps I am a certified teacher. I tend to emphasize that in my correspondence so they treat me like an equal.


Of course you do not need degrees to teach home school.


I use their dates. Whatever makes it easier for them to butt out. No reason to get nutty and fight for something stupid like reporting dates.


Follow the rules, know the rules, and don't get nervous!!:lol:


ALWAYS SEND ALL PAPERWORK by mail you can track. Also keep a copy on a memory stick. These are my suggestions.

Edited by HistoryBuff
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I'm going on year 3 of home schooling in NYS, for 2 different districts.

The one I am in now is very hands off as long as you follow the guidelines of NYS.


It also helps I am a certified teacher. I tend to emphasize that in my correspondence so they treat me like an equal.


Of course you do not need degrees to teach home school.


I use their dates. Whatever makes it easier for them to butt out. No reason to get nutty and fight for something stupid like reporting dates.


Follow the rules, know the rules, and don't get nervous!!:lol:


ALWAYS SEND ALL PAPERWORK by mail you can track. Also keep a copy on a memory stick. These are my suggestions.


They gave me reporting dates and I felt the same way. I'm not going to ruffle feathers. I would have picked dates close to theirs anyways.


I did send the IHIP certified mail. I am preparing for a call since I didn't fill out their form completely since they asked for extra info. Hopefully they won't call!



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I already had my year roughly planned, and my own dates worked better. My school district didn't care at all.


They sent me a letter to confirm, and it stated that they couldn't be held responsible for any deficiencies in my program. :glare: Wow, thanks for the warning.

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If you develop your own forms, they're less likely to notice what you leave out. A lot of districts ask for information they are not entitled to/not at the right time. A blank screams for attention. A page you create probably won't draw as much attention.

This is my second year reporting, just got my post office confirmation back today. I feel fairly confident with a curiosity over the new superintendent we have. Hopefully s/he won't try anything funny.

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This was actually the first time we got confirmation from them in writing they got my paperwork in this district. They never send anything else, though. You have to look up the rules and regs for yourself.


There is a specific NY board for NY home schooler on Yahoo I also belong to.

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