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How did you choose your school name?

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My dd just turned 7 this summer so now I have to register as a homeschool and come up with a name for our school. I don't really like using our last name followed by Academy, School, or whatever... I think it sounds corny. So, can anyone help me with this task? It has to be one that I would feel comfortable putting on any records, transcripts, etc I may one day use and cannot be changed with the state once we are registered. Any suggestions???

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We used to call our school Didasko Christian School for the last several years (Didasko measn "to teach" in greek) but I was tired of that name and am ready for a new name. Well, the Lord inspired me through Pilgrim leader William Bradford who spoke of the pilgrims by saying...


"They cherished a great hope and inward zeal of laying good foundations... even though they should be but stepping stones to others in the performance of so great a work."


I was so amazed at this because this is exactly how I feel. I don't know what the Lord is doing in my life or my family's life, but I would feel so blessed that even if I don't do anything greater than teach my children at home, lead them to love their God and a lifelong commitment to serving Him, that my life can be but a stepping stone to greater things in the future for my children and their children and their children.

So we are now officially...


Stepping Stones Christian Academy



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I have never had to use it "formally" to register or anything, but my kids and I got to calling our homeschool "Papalani Elementary" -- Papalani was the name of our street we lived on in Hawaii. We thought it had a ring to it. We kept it when we moved to Virginia last year, more for sentimental reasons than anything -- our new street would sound just as good, but we miss the islands. :001_smile:

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In our state we must have a name. I have always liked the names of Catholic schools (even though we aren't)

so, with 3 girls, it became Three Sisters' Academy. I thought it sort of had a 'convent' feel to it. :D

LOL! That's very cool.


We still haven't come up with a name for ours. We don't need one, but my wife and I have been kicking a few around. Maybe I'll through it out as a poll one of these days...

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We started schooling when homeschooling was just beginning it's rise. I also knew that when I applied to college I would need a name that didn't sound corny. My kids and I started talking about homeschooling and how it was just starting to come of it's own and we naturally thought of David and Goliath so we ended up calling our school D & G academy. Nice inside joke for those of us in the know.:tongue_smilie:

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Thank ya'll so much!! I knew this was a good place to ask. I absolutely loved the "Three Sisters' Academy", it does sound quite formal and quite Catholic. I've always liked their names, too.


I hadn't thought about using our subdivision, probably because I know we'll probably move several times before our journey is through. I wonder - Montclair Christian Academy? Something else.....


I had thought about where I want us to be headed, towards the heart of God and had pondered something like Father's Heart, or Heart of the Father, but I just don't know.


I did think a Greek or Latin name would be cool, but I just haven't studied either language yet so have absolutely no clue there, lol.


Keep the stories coming, though. I love hearing about how the names came to be and the significance of them.

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We had to have a name when we lived in Kansas...I thought it was a stupid rule but...gotta do what you gotta do... so, since I'm a dork, I named us, "Omehay Oolschay Academy" ....for those that don't speak latin...that is Home School....o.k. it's PIG latin...but, same difference, right? :lol:

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both boys (bringing the total of children, all boys, to 5), my dh dubbed it the ****** Academy for Boys with *****being my last name.


One was an AFS exchange student, who has since returned home, one was my 18 yo nephew. It's our own little funny joke, but we tell our neighbors, because I know they are convinced we are nuts anyway : )

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