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Does a 1st grader need a spelling program?


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If I am using a phonics program for DD (newly turned 6, about to begin 1st), supplementing with ETC & games, do I need a spelling curriculum?


R&S Spelling begins in 2nd grade and I'm interested in it...but I think it's too much for DD, who is just beginning to read CVC words...


Thoughts? Anyone else not do formal spelling until 2nd?

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Our first grader insisted on her own spelling book just like her sister. For the cost, we purchased one and she loved it. Did very well, and in fact, was so self motivated that she typically completed more than one lesson a day. We started with Evan Moor daily spelling and are now using Soaring with Spelling, alongside Growing with Grammar.

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If a curriculum is not teaching reading by teaching "spelling" first, it usually doesn't start spelling until after the phonics instruction is complete.


Many vintage spellers don't start until grade 3. McGuffey's Speller written to accompany the famous reading series warns against starting spelling too soon.


It really matters your definition of "spelling", to know when to start a spelling program.

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I start spelling when phonics is done.


When is phonics "done"? My DS is a good reader, and we did 100 Easy Lessons, but I find that neither of us really know all the reasons why a word is pronounced the way it is. We plan to start AAS in the fall. Would that be sufficient to continue phonics and begin spelling? That was my goal in choosing it.

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When is phonics "done"? My DS is a good reader, and we did 100 Easy Lessons, but I find that neither of us really know all the reasons why a word is pronounced the way it is. We plan to start AAS in the fall. Would that be sufficient to continue phonics and begin spelling? That was my goal in choosing it.


For me, it's done when we finish a full phonics program, usually in 1st or 2nd grade. It means to me that they can see an unfamiliar multi-syllable word and attack it correctly.


I'm not familiar with 100EL, so I'm not sure what else you would need, but from what I have seen of AAS, it covers phonics-based spelling, which would fill in any gaps just fine.

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