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Whats done at your dental checkup?

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So I took dd11 for her check up today and TBH I'm a bit miffed. I assumed they would do xrays and cleaning. Nope! Instead they did xrays and said no cavities, *might* have a tiny crack in a tooth but need to do cleaning first so I'm looking at this schedule for what to me should be done in 1, 2 visits max.


#1 xrays

#2 cleaning

#3 seal 2 molars

#4 seal other 2 molars

#5 drill and fill crack if needed


This just screams milking the insurance co for money and wasting my time. Its the only clinic that takes our insurance so were kind stuck with them:(

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A dental check up here includes:

xrays if due for them


check by dentist

If we did sealants they would be done at this time, same with a flouride treatment.


If there was a cavity they would fill it then if they had the time otherwise that would be scheduled for another visit.

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Our dental checkup includes the following at each 6-month visit:



x-rays (only one time per year)


fluoride (kids only)

sealants (kids only, if new molar has erupted since the last visit)


If any additional work such as a filling is needed, the office schedules a separate visit.


My kids have had four sealants applied in one visit. I don't know why your office would require multiple visits for this, or for all of the other routine stuff. It sounds fishy to me.

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Are you new to this dentist? Every time we move (we are military), the first appointment involves paperwork, x-rays, and an oral exam. We have to schedule a cleaning as a separate appointment. After the initial exam, everything is done when I come in for the cleaning. I always assumed this was a new-patient thing.

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Are you new to this dentist? Every time we move (we are military), the first appointment involves paperwork, x-rays, and an oral exam. We have to schedule a cleaning as a separate appointment. After the initial exam, everything is done when I come in for the cleaning. I always assumed this was a new-patient thing.


Nope, not a new patient.


I smell scam. Normally, they would do the cleaning and xrays same day. Sealants can be done in one appointment. I would ask them to just watch the possible cracked tooth first. Check with local dentists and see what their cash rate is. It might be cheaper than using your insurance.


They will only work on 1 side of the mouth at a time is the excuse for the sealants:glare: I won't let them mess with the crack and will try healing it. My insurance has no co pays so no way its cheaper elsewhere:(

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Just a thought here but I would call my insurance company and ask about this. Ask for the fraud dept if you need too. Our old one loved it when people would call up and talk about this stuff. They would investigate and notify the offices that were costing them more money or drop them if they were doing it excessively. I have called on a few and one the insurance company sent me a letter thanking them for informing them of a bad business. You could even ask if they take nominations for other dentists.


The policy they have on sealants is crap. You can do both sides of the mouth in one appointment.

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So I took dd11 for her check up today and TBH I'm a bit miffed. I assumed they would do xrays and cleaning. Nope! Instead they did xrays and said no cavities, *might* have a tiny crack in a tooth but need to do cleaning first so I'm looking at this schedule for what to me should be done in 1, 2 visits max.


#1 xrays

#2 cleaning

#3 seal 2 molars

#4 seal other 2 molars

#5 drill and fill crack if needed


This just screams milking the insurance co for money and wasting my time. Its the only clinic that takes our insurance so were kind stuck with them:(


Cleanings are scheduled with a hygenist/checkups with the dr. If I want both, I specify (or they ask) when I make the appointment to account for both schedules.


A check up to me, would be just a check up and xrays if needed.


Actual work (assuming maintenence-small cavity etc) is a scheduled appointment with just the dr (if I know work needs to be done, I schedule the work at the same time as our next cleaning).

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My children get exams, cleaning, and x-rays (if needed) at the same appointments, every six months. The office schedules sealants for a separate appointment (and cavities too), which bugs me because it's really fast, but it means a 40-minute drive with all of the children just for the sealants. And they won't let me add a block for the sealants on to the regular appointment, because they have to verify that all of the molars are there first. Eyeroll. I do love the dentists there, though, and my children are very comfortable with them, so that's not big enough of a reason to leave.

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Similar to many others we get x-rays (once a year), cleaning and dentist exam. My kids also get fluoride and sealants as needed during this appt. Cavities or crowns are separate appts. And if you need work on both sides of your mouth then yes, you'd have to make 2 separate appts because they're not going to numb your whole mouth at once. By work I mean cavities and crowns, not sealants. Every 5 years we get a full x-ray and every couple of years they check our gums.


I've never been to a dentist that operates like yours. Sounds a bit strange.

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