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"Prepare to be Assimilated", "Hive Mind", Hee-hee, It's Star Trek!

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Well, you learn something new every day. My efforts to understand my sci-fi addicted sons, has lead me to this discovery!


Now, as for a few other things Star Trek:


The 2009 movie was actually, pretty decent. The new/young Kirk is nice eye candy :D and he can act. He's also very talented because he learned Shatner's quirky facial expressions and gestures and brought them to the mix. LOVE BONES! :rofl::rofl::rofl: He was Eomer in Lord of the Rings, right?


That said, I have a few "bones" (snicker, snicker) to pick.


1. Seriously, that far into the future if we haven't invented epidurals that have ZERO side-effects and are therefore safe for ALL births then the medical community should be slapped silly and fed to the Borg.


2. If Bones can give a dialysis patient a nano-bot pill WAAAAAAAAAYYYY back in Star Trek IV and she grows a new kidney, then you can be dang tootin' sure that some 20 years before that, disabled Captain Pike had at the very least AN AMIGO and not an old fashioned roll yourself around wheelchair! Seriously, WHO WERE THE PROP PEOPLE????????


3. The Uhura/Spock thing...interesting, fascinating (raise of eyebrow while maintaining deadpan face.) :D So, since Kirk ends up with the "long lost son", and Picard ends up with the "long lost son", does this mean that Uhura is going to end up pregnant, go off alone to save Spock's brilliant career by never making him choose between his career and family, and then emerge in Star Trek: XVIII with a kid Spock never knew he had! It's been done to death, but I fear that the writers will resort to such ploy just to get all of morbid curiosity seekers out to see ONE more flim in the immortal series because, you know, "Curiosity killed the cat."


4. I'm not certain the writers have consulted any good biology books. They seem to think that any alien life form with visually compatible body parts means humans can mate with it. They should do a bit more reading up on that. Amongst most species, there is serious incompatibility that makes the likelihood of producing offspring practically nil and for those few species that can combine, the offspring are often genetically damaged or at least, infertile. So, really, I just don't see this half-klingon, half-human kid born at the end of the Voyager series - ooooo it's healthy :glare: - as a realistic possibility. For that matter, Spock probably wasn't a viable option either, but I'm learning that with sci-fi, the writers don't really concern themselves with, you know, SCIENCE!!!!!


I rented Nemesis and watched it today. Mer....it is, hmmmm...acceptable I guess. However, I did not need to see Riker's hairy back. Couldn't they have come up with some other way for her to have a "mind link" with the ugly?


Oh, and I'd just like to say that these sci-fi movies confirm my suspicion that all the writers must be male. Fixation with booKs. That's right...haven't seen a female alien yet that didn't have booKs and usually pretty good sized ones too. Seriously dudes, other lifeforms might not evolve with booKs. Maybe they have udders like cows, maybe they just lay eggs, hatch 'em, and then teach them to eat corn, maybe they are more like seahorses and the dudes raise them in a pouch before attempting to EAT the offspring, ...maybe the only way to tell the difference between the male and female is, oh I don't know, THE COLOR OF THEIR FEATHERS!


Stop drooling Hollywood boys, it's about time you think "outside the bra" or should I say, "box"! :biggrinjester:



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:lol: you crack me up!

Well, you learn something new every day. My efforts to understand my sci-fi addicted sons, has lead me to this discovery!


Now, as for a few other things Star Trek:


The 2009 movie was actually, pretty decent. The new/young Kirk is nice eye candy :D and he can act. He's also very talented because he learned Shatner's quirky facial expressions and gestures and brought them to the mix. LOVE BONES! :rofl::rofl::rofl: He was Eomer in Lord of the Rings, right?


That said, I have a few "bones" (snicker, snicker) to pick.


1. Seriously, that far into the future if we haven't invented epidurals that have ZERO side-effects and are therefore safe for ALL births then the medical community should be slapped silly and fed to the Borg. (Can I add "humane mamograms"? I know it wasn't part of the movie...)


2. If Bones can give a dialysis patient a nano-bot pill WAAAAAAAAAYYYY back in Star Trek IV and she grows a new kidney, then you can be dang tootin' sure that some 20 years before that, disabled Captain Pike had at the very least AN AMIGO and not an old fashioned roll yourself around wheelchair! Seriously, WHO WERE THE PROP PEOPLE????????


3. The Uhura/Spock thing...interesting, fascinating (raise of eyebrow while maintaining deadpan face.) (That was just plain weird.) :D So, since Kirk ends up with the "long lost son", and Picard ends up with the "long lost son", does this mean that Uhura is going to end up pregnant, go off alone to save Spock's brilliant career by never making him choose between his career and family, and then emerge in Star Trek: XVIII with a kid Spock never knew he had! It's been done to death, but I fear that the writers will resort to such ploy just to get all of morbid curiosity seekers out to see ONE more flim in the immortal series because, you know, "Curiosity killed the cat."


4. I'm not certain the writers have consulted any good biology books. They seem to think that any alien life form with visually compatible body parts means humans can mate with it. They should do a bit more reading up on that. Amongst most species, there is serious incompatibility that makes the likelihood of producing offspring practically nil and for those few species that can combine, the offspring are often genetically damaged or at least, infertile. So, really, I just don't see this half-klingon, half-human kid born at the end of the Voyager series - ooooo it's healthy :glare: - as a realistic possibility. For that matter, Spock probably wasn't a viable option either, but I'm learning that with sci-fi, the writers don't really concern themselves with, you know, SCIENCE!!!!!(Another proof that the writers were male - Mary Doria Russell got it right in "The Sparrow")


I rented Nemesis and watched it today. Mer....it is, hmmmm...acceptable I guess. However, I did not need to see Riker's hairy back. Couldn't they have come up with some other way for her to have a "mind link" with the ugly?


Oh, and I'd just like to say that these sci-fi movies confirm my suspicion that all the writers must be male. Fixation with booKs. That's right...haven't seen a female alien yet that didn't have booKs and usually pretty good sized ones too. Seriously dudes, other lifeforms might not evolve with booKs. Maybe they have udders like cows, maybe they just lay eggs, hatch 'em, and then teach them to eat corn, maybe they are more like seahorses and the dudes raise them in a pouch before attempting to EAT the offspring, ...maybe the only way to tell the difference between the male and female is, oh I don't know, THE COLOR OF THEIR FEATHERS! (Tell it like it is sista! ).


Stop drooling Hollywood boys, it's about time you think "outside the bra" or should I say, "box"! :biggrinjester:




Thanks for letting me be your cheerleader.;-)

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I couldn't get past Syler (from Heroes)/Spock. Whenever I saw him, I wanted to tell Uhura to run away because he was going to kill her and steal her power!


You gotta let sci-fi have some fantasy, though. :tongue_smilie: For a less rosy sci-fi try the remake of Battlestar Gallactica or Firefly. :)

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Oh, and I'd just like to say that these sci-fi movies confirm my suspicion that all the writers must be male.



one of the more prolific writers of the original star trek series was D.C. Fonatana. Only approved people called her Dorothy.;) (she also wrote scripts attributed with male psuedonyms.)

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I loved the 2009 movie. It makes me wish there really was an enterprise. I'd be first in line at the academy.


Karl Urban also played Cupid in Xena.


He was in RED too.


I couldn't get past Syler (from Heroes)/Spock. Whenever I saw him, I wanted to tell Uhura to run away because he was going to kill her and steal her power!


You gotta let sci-fi have some fantasy, though. :tongue_smilie: For a less rosy sci-fi try the remake of Battlestar Gallactica or Firefly. :)


Save the cheerleader, save the Vulcans. :lol:


I really never liked Shatner's character, he was annoying. Chris Pine brought an understanding to Kirk that made me appreciate him more.

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I couldn't get past Syler (from Heroes)/Spock. Whenever I saw him, I wanted to tell Uhura to run away because he was going to kill her and steal her power!


You gotta let sci-fi have some fantasy, though. :tongue_smilie: For a less rosy sci-fi try the remake of Battlestar Gallactica or Firefly. :)


:lol: I had the same Syler issue.

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4. I'm not certain the writers have consulted any good biology books. They seem to think that any alien life form with visually compatible body parts means humans can mate with it. They should do a bit more reading up on that. Amongst most species, there is serious incompatibility that makes the likelihood of producing offspring practically nil and for those few species that can combine, the offspring are often genetically damaged or at least, infertile. So, really, I just don't see this half-klingon, half-human kid born at the end of the Voyager series - ooooo it's healthy :glare: - as a realistic possibility. For that matter, Spock probably wasn't a viable option either, but I'm learning that with sci-fi, the writers don't really concern themselves with, you know, SCIENCE!!!!!



:lol: But making it sciency would totally be lame.


I like the line in Doctor Who when Rose has just met Jack and realized that he's, well, flexible, and the Doctor explains that by the 24th century, humans have spread out all over the galaxy and "danced" with every species there is.

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