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X-post: Any HS moms pursuing own education?

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That's where the other post is. I always forget how to hide the actual URL but since it's WTM, it should be okay, right?


Anyway, just curious if any other homeschool moms out there are as crazy as I am and thinking about going back to school for yourself? :)

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That's where the other post is. I always forget how to hide the actual URL but since it's WTM, it should be okay, right?


Anyway, just curious if any other homeschool moms out there are as crazy as I am and thinking about going back to school for yourself? :)



I was doing it, but stopped for now. Mostly because the degrees I wanted

aren't available online only and if I can't to those I have absolutely no idea what I'd want to do.


What are you going to school for?

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I'm not at the moment, but have in the past and probably will in the future. I was in school, part or full time, from the time DS was 3.5 until he was nearly 7. I hope to go back and finish my Bachelor's within the next few years, and may eventually go on to something beyond that, presumably while at least one of the kids is still homeschooling.

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I have had to stop for a couple years as it's just too busy around here, but I'd love to pick things back up in a year or two. I'm pretty random with what I take though. I've taken courses in small business management, I've done 3/4 of the equine science degree, psychology, sociology, and numerous other courses from the bible school nearby (a couple small nutrition courses as well). I love to learn. I was always told that when I stop wanting to learn more, that's when I start getting old. I guess I took them seriously. lol

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I did it! One night my husband and I bought a lottery ticket and went to dinner. As we sat over dinner, drinking a bottle of wine, we discussed what we would do if we won the lottery. I wanted a new set of luggage, some other stuff, and to go to college. He sweetly said, "you know, you don't have to win the lottery to go to college." We go home later that night and I signed my self up for online classes through the local community college. I took a full load of classes and homeschooled my 3 children at the same time! I transferred everything over to a local state university and now have my BS in liberal studies with emphasis in English Literature and Psychology. I am so glad I did it. I did all of my classes online, it was hard and I learned so much! I don't use my degree...but I do, if you know what I mean. :D

I want to add that I was attempting to get through TWEM at the time, too. I was about to shoot myself for even attempting it. My husband added that I could just get my degree if I was going to go through all that! So maybe I can give Don Quixote credit for kicking my butt back to school

Edited by Mad Charity
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I only need four more classes to graduate, but I am beginning to wonder if I will ever finish.:glare: This past year so many things have come up and I just keep using the money for those things instead. I will finish....eventually.

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I did it for a year and loved every minute of it. The school put my program on hold for 2 semesters and by the time it started back, I didn't feel I could do it since my son was having issues with school. Then there was the cost. We didn't mind spending the money on a worthwhile cause like school but with the kids ages, I just don't feel I have the right to spend money on myself when I wouldn't actually do anything with the degree. I want to make sure we have money to help them when they are in college. But I sure do miss it!!

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Mine is definitely not a degree that won't be used! My goal is to get at least 1 1/2 classes under my belt and God willing, apply to an agency or two, one of which will hire me and take up the tuition assistance! :D


I'm so excited about it! However, next week, I'll be sitting the kids down and stressing the importance of "sticking to the schedule" for the benefit of all of us!

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