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If u could only give ONE piece of advice for a newbie...


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Master the phrase: Please pass the bean dip. You do not have to justify or explain your decision to anyone. Asking questions you don't like: Thank you for your concern, please pass the bean dip.


When you first start out you will go to any and all homeschooling outings looking for people you click with. This is dating. It can be quite awful. It may take a lot of time but eventually you will find people.

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Master the phrase: Please pass the bean dip. You do not have to justify or explain your decision to anyone. Asking questions you don't like: Thank you for your concern, please pass the bean dip.


When you first start out you will go to any and all homeschooling outings looking for people you click with. This is dating. It can be quite awful. It may take a lot of time but eventually you will find people.



:iagree: Finding mommy friends, especially homeschooling mommy friends, is just like dating. It does get awful at times. :lol:

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:iagree: Finding mommy friends, especially homeschooling mommy friends, is just like dating. It does get awful at times. :lol:

:lol: Now I understand the problem! Since I haven't dated anyone other than dh since I was 16, I lack those skills!!


Seriously, it is an issue and the advice is valid. Homeschooling style is very personal. For new homeschoolers it can be overwhelming. People can be very pushy and cliquey about "how" they homeschool. Over the yrs I have made the decision to not discuss our homeschooling school w/other homeschoolers IRL except in very limited circumstances.

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Invest in picking up (either purchasing or the library) a few great Read Alouds and make that a part of your day early on. As your kids get older have them start to read part of it. Don't just have your kids listen to an audiobook (though those are great) but READ to them, with them, listen to them read.

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:lol: Now I understand the problem! Since I haven't dated anyone other than dh since I was 16, I lack those skills!!


Seriously, it is an issue and the advice is valid. Homeschooling style is very personal. For new homeschoolers it can be overwhelming. People can be very pushy and cliquey about "how" they homeschool. Over the yrs I have made the decision to not discuss our homeschooling school w/other homeschoolers IRL except in very limited circumstances.


:iagree:This is so me...lol

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2. If you have a easily distracted kid, timers work wonders. I just found a wonderful Iphone APP that is specifically designed for kids and used widely for ADD/Autism. It's really working for my easily distracted/daydreamy little girl.




Can you share the name of that app, please?

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We officially start on Monday, and while I am still confused about how our days will go, (feeling like I should have a schedule yet nearly everyone on here says that's a big no-no) I am so excited to begin this journey.


Thank you all so much for your advice - it has been so helpful and made me really think about what's important in all of this.

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-Establish good classroom habits right from the start (for yourself and your kids)


-Stop stressing, just start trying to solve the problem. (So many stinkin' problems!! :001_smile:)


-Force yourself to do the little special things. Even if you plan one special thing a month, that's going to add up big time over the years. The little things are magic.


-Smile, breath, be happy and content. It's a really neat lifestyle. Have fun with it, because someday you finish.


Oops, guess I can't give just one! :D

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I'm going to add a second one.


Not every child can handle rigorous top down planning, based on COMPETITIVE testing in high school. What you plan each year, should be based more on general child development, and the REALITY of YOUR individual child's abilities.


Curricula based on average child development are not "behind".


Competitions are just that--competitions. We run our best races when we allow ourselves to set our own pace, and keep our eyes mostly on the road in front of us.


I think a lot of people--not just newbies--get in trouble when they start making the FOCUS of their homeschool, competing with the "winners", who...aren't always winners where it counts most.


Homeschooling is a marathon not a sprint. There ARE people who can run an entire marathon at a sprint pace. God bless them. Just don't try to copy them unless you TRULY have those RARE abilities and resources to do so, or you won't make it to the finish line.

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It wouldn't have mattered what I was told. I was too hardheaded and compulsive to benefit from wisdom.


Yep...me too. But, I am glad I didn't listen!:D. My kids got an amazing education and aced their college classes.....not so much those advice givers around my neighborhood. Sometimes it is good to be hard-headed and compulsive....and follow your heart and what you know is right for your kids.

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:lol: Now I understand the problem! Since I haven't dated anyone other than dh since I was 16, I lack those skills!!


Seriously, it is an issue and the advice is valid. Homeschooling style is very personal. For new homeschoolers it can be overwhelming. People can be very pushy and cliquey about "how" they homeschool. Over the yrs I have made the decision to not discuss our homeschooling school w/other homeschoolers IRL except in very limited circumstances.



My sil and best friend both homeschool. I try really hard to NEVER discuss homeschooling with them. It is always a disaster. They think I am awful for keeping mine home through high school. I think they should do what they feel is best for their kids....and leave me be about mine. I recommended a particular curricula a few years ago. They both use it now, but it is a terrible fit for my youngest.....now I don't hear the end of it.....sigh....

Homeschooling, or parenting for that matter should not become a competition. It is just not productive.

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