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Bread machine or no?

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I have never made homemade bread before, but I plan to start. Ds1 is going gluten free. Ds2 has a mild soy allergy (which he is outgrowing so perhaps the decision shouldn't be based on this--I expect he will be able to tolerate soy within the year). For now, I'd like to make bread for both boys---GF bread for ds1 and wheat bread for ds2. Should I get a bread machine or not? WWYD?

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I love my bread machines- I have two. It's soooo nice to dump in the ingredients, push a button, and come back to warm, yummy, all natural bread. It's also nice to just mix in and then bake in the oven.


If I had a nice Kitchenaid type mixer I might not need my bread machines, but since I don't'...

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I love my bread machine. You can premix all your dry ingredients in ziploc baggies. We write the wet ingredients (eggs, water, etc.) on the outside of the bag. Put the wet into the machine, dump in the baggie, add yeast, turn on!


I'm not sure about making both GF and regular in the same machine. I know for some GF people they would still get sick no matter how good you wash it. It depends upon how sensitive your family is I guess.

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My dh is gf, and I wouldn't be without a bread machine. He is not uber sensitive and so I am able to make both gf and reg bread in my machine. If not, I'd buy two. It's wonderful to dump everything in the machine, turn it on and come back in a bit to wonderful, fresh bread.


They're expensive, but I recommend the Zojirushi.

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If you do go that route, check Goodwills, garage sales, and your family/friends before investing in one of your own. The reason I say that is that while everyone likes bread not everyone likes bread machines and its hard to know which you are until you have one.


At least borrow one before investing.

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Under those circumstances, sounds like a bread machine would be a good idea. Personally, I'd probably make GF bread for both instead of different kinds for each child. It won't hurt the non-wheat-sensitive child to eat the GF bread. :)

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I have a lot of friends who love their bread machines and it does sound like it wouldn't be a bad idea for you.

On a side note if I had given my kids soy in their preschool years my doctor would've strung me up I'm sure.

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I prefer my Kitchen Aid mixer. It's not the super expensive lovely one, I think the bowl is just 4 1/2 or 5 quarts, but I use it to make all kinds of dough and then shape it myself. Personally I never liked the way my bread turned out in a bread machine or having the hole from the little paddle, and with the KA I can do cookies, cakes, icing, etc. as well. :)

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