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Help! We are stinky.

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So, it is a super long story of woe, remodeling and loss of income but we had out washer hooked up to our hose outside for 6 months and so we had no hot water to wash with. Now our towels and some of our clothes have an odor. It is not strong but I am super sensetive to smell and I really must smell good. We live in a fairly humid environment (this is new, we were in Colorado) and I think that has something to do with it.

What are your laundry freshening ideas? I need some help.

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Never let your laundry sit wet in your washer!


I would throw a cup of either baking soda in the wash with detergent...OR a cup of vinegar in the rinse water .


Also, you might want to try to run an empty load with just Bleach and one towel to swish. Let the bleach sit in there a while and then finish the cycle.


It sounds like some bacteria grew in the washer....

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Your post title made me smile, so I had to jump in here even though I don't have a whole lot to offer. :D


Have you tried running a load of bleach through your washer to make sure that you aren't re-stink-ify-ing your laundry with each wash?


Good luck!

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I'd run the washer without clothes on HOT with clorox and powdered detergent. Then I'd change to powdered detergent mixed half and half with oxyclean and put vinegar in the rinse cup.


That IS what I did, and it worked fine. After using liquid det for awhile, and towels got stinky, I checked the water coming out on the empty loads, and it looked sickly. I think gunk was building up.

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