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Library related question


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I am trying to figure out how to plan the year. I'd like to include weekly library visits on our calendar. I have some questions for those of you who visit the library every week:


-What day is a 'good' day to visit the library and get/return books? The end of the week? Or the beginning of the week?


-How far in advance do you make a list of what books you'll need for each week?


-Any other library-related tips you care to share?


Thank you in advance!!!

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I go online on Saturdays and request all my books for the week beginning 9 days from then. On Wednesday, they are usually all in and we pick them up when we take my younger one to storytime. If they aren't all in, we make a quick stop when we're out on the weekend.

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I'd talk with your librarian to find out the schedule if you can place books on hold from other branches. For us, we go to storytime on Wed, but my requests are usually in on Thurs. and are only held for one week. I always intend to pick them up the following Wed at storytime, but if someone is sick or we need to skip storytime, then I have still go that day to get my holds.

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Anything in particular my son is interested in I would use the online catalog to reserve them and be ready for pick up within a few days. Something I found that was helpful..if you've exhausted the kids area for a certain topic you can use the same call number for the adult section of same topic. I am assuming that is for everywhere.


Any week day works for us as long as its in the AM. The school kids fill it up later and weekends are just too busy. We also frequently stop and look at the library bookstore and have found some great items for just .50 cents or magazines to cut up for .10-.25 a piece.


If you have a great library and become friends with them they can order books for you...to actually buy for the library if they deem it good also. Our library was always looking for good books to buy.

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Every system is different (wildly so, it seems) so be sure to get the particulars from yours.


You asked "what day is good to get/return", but I have never found a consistent answer. By using the on-line hold system it becomes less important because they will pull the books from the shelves or hold them as they are returned. I put in my holds on Friday so that they have time to come from other branches, as needed, by Tuesday when we go for story time. On occasion I have submitted purchase requests (also online) and the one time it wasn't fulfilled, they sent me a note suggesting I try inter-library loan (which worked out great). Another advantage to using the on-line search from home is that it automatically looks at all branches, but I can pick up at the branch that is convenient for me.


Also, check the other libraries in surrounding communities which may have reciprocation agreements (if you have a card for your library you can get one for theirs), different catalogs, or different policies. You may decide that it is worth your time driving.


My library will only hold a book for 5 days, so I often stop on Saturdays after swim class to pick up holds and only I go in, in an attempt to limit the number of books I come out with. :D


We are limited to 15 books on hold at a time, so when we are knee-deep in history, science and art (along with the miscellany) I use my kids' accounts for holds and then check them out myself. I've hit my 75 book checkout limit so much that my older two now check out their own casual reading books.


Lastly, at my library if I make a purchase request I automatically get put in the hold queue - so if there is a book coming out that I really want to read, I may put in a purchase request even if they are obviously going to get the book anyway (i.e. the 25th book in a series they own, or anything with Harry Potter-like buzz)

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We go to the library every Thursday. We try to go in the morning when they open because it is dead quiet in there and our Miss Laura is a doll and so very helpful! She chats with the kids and if she sees a book she thinks they will like, she pulls it out from her desk! Such a doll!


We order our books online and they will keep books and videos for us for up to two weeks, so if we have too many movies out for the household they will just hold on to it for us. Of course, I'll stop in earlier in the week to exchange movies if needed.


We go every Thursday because that way I don't get charge late fees. We know every Thurs that something will have to be returned and we tag getting lunch with Daddy in town and then grocery shopping on in one day.


The kids LOVE the touch screen computer they have for the kids to play educational games on. Since there is no one else there at the library when we arrive, they each get to play it for 30 minutes and then they are off to find their quiet reading selections for the week. I find it really relaxing and I've created book lists for each of my kids on their cards, so if they can't find anything interesting to read, they can use their cards to check their lists and select something from there. My son loved it when he discovered that the library has audio books, now he checks to see what new book has arrived so he can listen while he plays legos.


We love our librarian! God bless, Miss Laura!

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I was going to recommend not going around storytime unless you have kids the age for it. It's a zoo, the children's room is a mess, and the librarians are harried and unhappy... at least everywhere I've experienced it.


I don't make lists or research usually. I just go and see what's there for the history and science topics we're on. If there isn't anything or not much, I hit the catalog and look for more. If I still don't turn up much, I ask for help or I go home and hit Amazon or other websites and start cross-checking books. Then I put things on reserve and pick them up the following week. For me, this is a lot less work than planning ahead.

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One thing I've discovered-if your library does Overdrive for e-books, you can request books through that system for purchase, and be put 1st on the list to get them if the library gets them. I swear I'm the only person who does this for our local library, because inevitably, whenever I put an e-book on the list, I get an e-mail that it was purchased by our library within a week or so :). This has been wonderful for getting literature selections for DD7-I just request them a week or two before we need them :).

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