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Is this a cry for help or teenage drama? I'm ???

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as a parent, I would want to know so that I would have the opportunity to talk to them and get more help if it was needed. It could just be a way to find out if friends are real on social media, or it could be a cry of loneliness and help.



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I would not jump to believing that the teen is suicidal, but I would absolutely tell the parents....and then tell them not to jump to believing that the teen is suicidal. This sounds a bit like a passive-aggressive statement to prick the "friends" who might fall into the fake-friend category.

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I think a lot of us wonder what other lives would be like without us. Are there other concerns about suicde? On the surface, it sounds like a pilosophical question, and one I've seen online and elsewhere. Most people have wondered something similar. It's really asking, "Do I matter?"


If the child has other issues, is failing school, has been depressed, has no plans for the weekend, is giving her possessions away, I would be inclinded to call and talk with the parent.


If I saw a post like that on my feed from a young person, I would post something super kind. "You are so loved! What would we do without your kind nature/your music/your art!" And then I would PM them and let them know I if they were they planning on coming by/invite them for Piizza or soemthing. "We haven't seen you in a bit. The kids and I are going to have Pizza on Friday night. Do you think you can come by?"


I only have friend- friends on FB, so I can do this. I also know the kids, so if they seemed to be acting out of character, I would call the parent.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Thanks everybody, it never would have occurred to me that this kid had issues that deep....but a statement like that is worrisome. This Facebook, twitter etc....that kind of "communication" is so tough to read. Thanks



How do you know this child? What is your relationship?

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It would depend on the teen. It could be an honest statement about wondering who really cares, not that they want to die. If I'd said that as a teen (and I might have), that is what I would mean. They don't want to die, they want to know who really cares and who fake cares. (And then you get older and realize you (well I) don't care if someone cares about me at all. I just want them to treat me politely. :D)

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Probably drama, and possibly copy-and-paste drama at that. I have seen a variation of that post on Facebook.


But I would certainly alert the parent. If it's a cry for help, it is crucial that they know. If it's drama and attention-seeking, they need to help their child realize that kind of attention-seeking is not socially appropriate.


I made a similar phone call, because I was genuinely concerned over a young FB friend's post. The parent was already aware of the situation because they monitored their dd's Facebook account, but appreciated that I cared enough to call.



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