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Outsourcing is OK! Do not be ashamed! What are you outsourcing next year?

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I'm outsourcing my 3yo. :blushing:


It took me a long time to decide that would be okay, and I'm still kinda embarrassed about it. But my mornings are sooo much quieter and productive and less stressful without her around. Plus I know she is having way more fun at preschool than she does at home when we are trying to get school work done.


I'm already outsourcing piano and PE (tae kwon do). I may look at some art classes, too. Art has always caused me major stress. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by bonniebeth4
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I'm outsourcing my 3yo. :blushing:


It took me a long time to decide that would be okay, and I'm still kinda embarrassed about it. But my mornings are sooo much quieter and productive and less stressful without her around. Plus I know she is having way more fun at preschool than she does at home when we are trying to get school work done.


Oh! I'm doing that too! It's actually mandated and he'll get special ed services... so it's technically nothing I could feel guilty about and I think it'll be great for him. That said... I'd totally enroll him in a preschool or daycare program regardless as there is zero chance of getting anything productive done with him on the loose.

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I'm outsourcing my 3yo. :blushing:


It took me a long time to decide that would be okay, and I'm still kinda embarrassed about it. But my mornings are sooo much quieter and productive and less stressful without her around. Plus I know she is having way more fun at preschool than she does at home when we are trying to get school work done.


I think this is a brilliant idea. My 5-year-old is now entering Kindergarten in our little homeschool....otherwise, I'd outsource her. :D

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YES! We are in Orange, so it's a bit of a drive for us, too, but SO WORTH IT! I was thrilled when dd2 and I went to their info meeting. I went only to find out about ASL, not even to join the PSP, because DD had already started her history (History Odyssey modern) in May. When I found out the Christendom class used Omnibus, I silently prayed that dd would be interested but I wasn't going to push it, especially since it would mean a big change to our schedule and a day away from home with the preschooler. But at the end of the meeting, dd2 said she was so impressed and excited about the classes that she wanted to take Christendom! You could have knocked me over with a feather, because she has been wanting to study modern history for about two years now. We are both very excited!


Long Beach is my home town. :)


I KNOW!!!! That Christendom class hooked us in as well and I only have a 3rd grader. My husband spent all his time speaking with the graduates at the info meeting and returned to me, saying, "Yea, let's enroll them!". Those upper classes look GREAT! So it sounds like you'll be in the same boat as me....I have a 5-year-old tagging along during that school day.....what to do, what to do......


So, I'll have to PM you about this and about Long Beach - we've only lived here for 5 months!

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I KNOW!!!! That Christendom class hooked us in as well and I only have a 3rd grader. My husband spent all his time speaking with the graduates at the info meeting and returned to me, saying, "Yea, let's enroll them!". Those upper classes look GREAT! So it sounds like you'll be in the same boat as me....I have a 5-year-old tagging along during that school day.....what to do, what to do......


So, I'll have to PM you about this and about Long Beach - we've only lived here for 5 months!


PMed you this morning.


Goodness, those graduates were impressive, weren't they? Most impressive to me was that they seemed committed to the Lord even above their obvious intellectual strengths.


Hope to meet you sometime! I think we need to find a park...

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Outsourcing dialectic discussion with TOG year 1 with their online classes. It makes it a huge relief since I am attempting to start school with my strong willed squirrly girl. He is also doing a logic/general science/ TOG lit discussion group with two of his buddies. Not sure it qualifies as an outsource, but I don't have to do everything for it.



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This year I am outsourcing picture study. Except for what directly pertains to our history studies, I am outsourcing picture study to co-op, because they will study several works of each of three artists. Instead of feeling guilty that I didn't get to picture study, I'm completely releasing it and being grateful that co-op will do it excellently.


I'm also outsourcing writing by using WWE. No work for me, just open and go, and no guilt.


I suppose math is also outsourced for DD, since I'm using Saxon, and it's open and go. I'm using Miquon and Singapore for DS1, but I've done the planning and tweaking and all myself. In either case, I will be doing the direct teaching of both, but I do like math and like teaching it.

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I'm outsourcing my 3yo. :blushing:


It took me a long time to decide that would be okay, and I'm still kinda embarrassed about it. But my mornings are sooo much quieter and productive and less stressful without her around. Plus I know she is having way more fun at preschool than she does at home when we are trying to get school work done.


This sounds lovely. I'd like to do this with my darling soon-to-be 3 year old. And I agree. Preschool is WAY MORE FUN than being told to "shush", "sit and read this book" or "here, play with some playdough".


I'm strongly pondering this idea.

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Well I'm heavily leaning towards TT. Math is not my strong suit and I think with this being our first year it may prove beneficial.


Other than that as of now the only other subjects would be electives. Specifically computer programming and lego robotics. DD may take Tae Kwon Do as well.

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