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frizzy gray hair despite no-poo

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Are you doing water only or conditioner only? If it's water only, it be mineral build up from hard water. If conditioner only it could be product build up. Either way, I would use a clarifying shampoo just to get rid of the build up, and then go back to what you were doing. Apple cider vinegar rinses are supposed to be mildly clarifying too, if you don't want to try the shampoo.

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If it is frizzy, it is possibly due to humidty and also possibly due to your hair being dry. Do not increase vinegar usage, and definitely don't use baking soda on your hair, as they both will dry it out further. Do you do anything to replenish moisture? (condiitioner, oils..?) If not, increasing those sorts of things may also help.

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^^Using diluted ACV one time will not dry the hair out. A tablespoon or two in a pint of (preferably distilled) water helps restore a natural PH balance.


A agree about the BS though; it can be very harsh and drying-- even with a single use, and I wouldn't recommend it.

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I did a diluted avc rinse and most of the frizz is gone. I almost never use conditioner and mostly wash every other day with very warm water and every 10 days with a small amount of bking soda paste. I'm more gray than not and while it was kinky when I was using shampoo, it's been silky since going no poo a few years ago. I'll admit to giving it a good shampoo every 4 or 5 months, mostly because I believe it must be dirty even though I know it's not, but I always-always regret it and am left with dry, kinky hair that resists conditioners.

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