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Seeking input here...should I finish my M.Ed.?

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I am a mom to two awesome little people, a 5+ y.o. boy and a nearly-3 girl. About three years ago, I decided to fulfill a long-held dream and work on becoming a teacher (this was well before SWB and homeschooling entered the picture). During this time, I have become friends with a couple of wonderful hsers, and have also developed my own set of strong concerns about having my own children in school (I've encountered some pretty awesome dedicated teachers but the deterioration of our society's values and the hyper-sexualization & focus of even early elementary kids is truly mindblowing...and disheartening. But I digress.). As such, my dh & I are now seriously considering hsing our children.


I am halfway through my Master's in Education. My hubby thinks I should finish, for the following reasons: 1) I'm halfway through the program and he thinks it would be a waste to quit, 2) we don't know what state or even country we might live in over the next 15 years (military & post-retirement options) and having the "magic" credential might be useful somewhere along the line, aka California, 3) in the event the children ever attend a private classical school or if my hubby were to die unexpectedly, teaching provides family-friendly employment opps; and 4) hsing is growing and you never know where I might be able to contribute by having the said credential.


I am thinking more of the effort & money involved to finish (another 2 years part-time) and the fear of finishing it and never using it. I am confident that I can hs completely effectively without a degree...although it might be nice to have it when some educator tries talking over my head (which has already happened). My son would probably attend the local ps - which is actually very good, test-score wise - for K & 1st while I finish up.


I recognize that this decision is ultimately mine/ours. However, I am curious what other who are or have been hsing think and have experienced: have you ever wished you had the officially-sanctioned credential? Have you ever needed it? Are there other teachers/hsers who can comment? If you were me, what would you do, knowing what you know now? :confused: (it's the halfway part that's the killer...I wouldn't start it again now, but should I finish?????)


Any input is appreciated.




P.S. BTW, I am sooooo glad to have found this board. I am currently in WA state and just heard Susan speak at our state convention...I have been lurking on the board for about a month and have been so impressed with the people here...a cut above the usual on-line boards I visit (and no, I'm not trying to butter anyone up) :)

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You'll find many here who were school teachers in past lives, and I think we're pretty split on whether or not we've allowed our credentials to lapse.


Some things to consider:


Do you enjoy the classes? If it stresses you more than it enhances your life, you might want to think about how that affects your family.


How do your classes affect your budget? Would you feel it was an investment? Or a burden?


Could you slow down your pace to accommodate homeschooling? Would you look back and kick yourself if you didn't finish?


I've returned to school twice to keep my certification, and now I'm working toward a higher specialized degree. It's always been important to me to know I could go back to work if I needed. Our decision was influenced (a lot) by our dc's special needs and the debt we incurred trying to make some special services happen. I also like taking classes. It's a social and academic outlet that I enjoy -- except when I'm behind on an assignment, like today! :001_smile:


Good luck with your decision!

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My teaching credential gave me some options as a homeschooler. I was a team leader for our homeschool coverschool, taught co-op classes, and administered SATs. You don't have to have a certificate to do those things, but it gave me confidence and helped some of the insecure homeschool mothers feel better about what they were doing through our association.

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You really can do it. Finish, you might feel regret it if you don't. You are probably just feeling the hump of your path. Kind of like Wednesday is to the weekend. You are more than half way there. Your kids are young but are aware that you go to school, right? What kind of message will you give them if you walk away from what you have already put so much of yourself into? Whether or not you teach in a school setting doesn't really matter. You will open many doors to yourself, and if the worst were to happen in your life you could proudly hold your family up; that feeling is worth it's weight in gold. I took 3 years off from my degree path, I would be graduating this fall, instead, I am a sophomore, I never should have walked away. Good luck with your decision I know it is not an easy one. :confused:

One last thought, do you have student loans? You have to start paying those back within 6 months, you can claim hardship, but they eventually want their money. Can you pay those back with a job you can get without that degree?

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I have a Ph.D. in engineering. I am not a research engineer, so I guess you could say I don't use it. However, I think I do use many of the skills I learned every day. From research skills to writing to defending myself to applying upper level math, I do this stuff all the time. And no one can take it away from me. One other bonus, when I went back to work as a public school teacher, I made a lot more money than first year teachers with a BS.

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I say do it. Its only 2 more years. You're almost there. Everyone looks back on things they should have, would have, could have done and wishes they had. I wouldn't quit now, not when you are so close. Its true, you certainly don't need it to hs, but then there's the rest of your life. ;)

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I became a SAHM the year ER turned 2, and began working on my MEd when he was 3½. A few months later, I found out I was pregnant with EK. I continued taking classes throughout my pregnancy, but took one term off when she was born. The next term, I started taking one class per term, and I completed my MEd soon after EK turned 2. I have not been employed since she was born, but I do not regret having achieved the goal of getting my MEd.

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who has 2 B.S. degrees and has been trying to find a job desperately for 3 solid months and on and off for a year I would say finish it. You don't know what will happen in your life where having finished that degree will be necessary and if you can get the M.Ed. while things are going pretty well for you it will be something you don't have to worry about later.


I'm now considering my M.S. options but I can't do anything until I get a job, which will just make getting my M.S. harder since I'll have to work full-time while doing it.

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I have an MEdT, and I'm certified to teach 2ndary Eng until Jul of next yr.


Personally, I don't *think* it was worth it. Dh & I were living w/ his parents, & I finished my BA right after 9/11. We couldn't afford to move out, & I couldn't find a job--all of my exp was in ed, but I didn't have the right degree to go fwd w/ that. Dh was supposed to get to go back to sch while I worked when I finished, so just staying home wasn't an option.


Then we found out I was pg w/ #2, so I applied for the program & did the whole thing online. Before the first semester started, dh was laid off & due to the economy, he went ahead & went back to sch, too. We finished (his BA, my MA) pretty close to the same time.


Now, I didn't really *want* to be a teacher, but I figured it was one field where I'd never be unemployed again. (Think Scarlett O'Hara.)


The cost: I had to stop nursing #2 at 9mos so I could do stu teaching; dc were in daycare for a couple of mos when dh finally found a job (which might have been fine if we hadn't had some probs there, incl them *losing* #2); student loans; current pull twd work because "I can." Dh is in seminary now, & if I went back to teaching, I could easily make enough $ to maintain the lifestyle we had before we came here, kwim? I feel guilty not to do so sometimes.


It's different for you because it's a dream on the one hand. Otoh, I wouldn't worry too much about the cert for hs'ing's sake. There's too much variance in the law. I mean, if cert were suddenly required here, I still couldn't teach my dc (they're elem, not 2ndary), & maintaining cert...doesn't seem worth the time & $.


For me personally, putting ds in ps would be the deciding factor. Having seen what I've seen of both ps & my own dc in hs, I wouldn't make the sacrifice. Forget the state of ps--I can buy that some might be fine--I *love* the time & conversations we've gotten to share hs'ing. Seeing up close how quickly they're changing makes me want to put more effort into holding on to the time as much as I can.


If you could take classes online or something, that's one thing, but I see more potential for regret by losing these 2 yrs w/ ds than postponing or foregoing the degree. That's me, though. That's not the right answer for everybody, by any means.


Good luck w/ your decision!! Most of all, I hope you find peace & joy in the choice you make.

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I say finish it, but only go part time and keep your kids home. I say that, because that is what I am doing. :D


However, I'm not going for a teaching credential, so I don't have to do the field experience and worry about finding daycare for my kids. It is something good for *me* to do to keep my mind sharp, get some interaction with adults, get out of the house once in a while when I have on-campus classes (always in the evening or on Saturdays), give myself more career opportunities for when my kids are grown, and it's great modeling for children of the importance of education to watch Mommy go to school and do her homework!

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I haven't read all of the other posts thus far, but I will give my input for what it's worth. I have a master's in education and permanent certification. I was unsure whether I would ever teach again, but my dc will be done homeschooling at the end of next year and I am going back to teaching this fall, full-time. While it is a Christian school and I don't officially need a master's there to teach, it sure helped getting hired and my pay is higher with it than with just a bachelor's. Also, after a few years there if I decide to apply for an opening in the public schools I will be able to.



I have never regretted my education and am doubly thankful for it now. You have come this far, I say go for it. You don't know what your future holds. Don't close any doors you may wish were open later. You will have a lot of life ahead of you still after homeschooling is over.

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I have read and appreciated every one of the posts. I think I have just been in a "middle" rut...I always have a hard time when I'm in the middle of something. The beginning seems a long time ago and the end still is a ways away. But I do enjoy the classes and I will probably be happy I finished the degree if I keep going (or at least happier than I would be if I just quit with half a degree under my belt). Thanks to all!

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