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Schooling on no sleep (just a whining session)

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I don't know how some people do it. They seem to be able to burn the candle at both ends and still stay wonderfully cheerful. Perhaps they've found some wonderful drug that I don't know about :glare:.

I haven't slept for more than a few hours in a row for the last month and although I try to catch a few zzz's here and there, I am getting waaayyy too overtired. My poor kids are starting to feel the brunt of it. Mommy tends to be a little overly touchy (my niece calls it itchy) when she is getting really over tired.

I don't really need any advice, just needed to whine for a little bit. Sorry for taking up anyone's time.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope things get better for you soon. Know that you're not alone though. :) I have fallen asleep doing read alouds many times. I'll be reading and yawning and then I realize I'm just hearing my voice droning on and that my eyes are actually closed. My dd would look at the book and say, "That's not what it says." :lol: I've added my own spin to books about constrictor snakes, meerkats and sharks. :p

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No advice, just :grouphug:


I'm in exactly the same boat here. I have to confess that my kiddies have been having an hour of Chucklevision (iconic british kids comedy!) almost every lunchtime for weeks so that I can lie down for a bit. I can't get through the day without it, and I'm snippy enough as it is.

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:grouphug::grouphug: I don't sleep much from Sept through May, and while I do well for awhile, eventually I reach that point also. Is there a specific reason you aren't sleeping? Any way you can get a night of good sleep in? I know for myself I can go most of the week and only sleep 4-5 hours a night, but I need at least one night of 8-10 hours to recharge.


:grouphug: Don't beat yourself up. Nobody has found the wonderful drug... we're just PRETENDING to be wonderfully cheerful! :D

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:grouphug: Don't beat yourself up. Nobody has found the wonderful drug... we're just PRETENDING to be wonderfully cheerful! :D


:lol:Some of us can are better at pretending than others:tongue_smilie: Ugh! I only sleep 6 hours at the most each night and many nights less. For no particular reason that I can see. I have the boys listen to an audio book for at least 30 minutes every afternoon, I can close my eyes and rest and it helps me get through the day. The boys are in bed around 9:30 and I head there asap after that.

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hugs to you. you are NOT alone. i am still only getting very broken sleep b/c for some reason my 21 month old daughter thinks it's normal to wake every 45min-2 hours every.single.night. it's hard. i wish i knew some magic trick to improve my mood on less sleep, but it's eluded me so far. best wishes to you for some rest...

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I know that I am NOT a pleasant person when I don't get enough sleep and I tend to need more sleep than most people. I don't know about those people who get up early and stay up late. It wouldn't be pretty if I did that! Hmmm, I did see a news story last night about mothers who started taking their kid's Adderall because it gave them so much energy, but none of those stories end well.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I hear you, and I'm listening with my good:bigear: ear. I"m just not a happy camper without my sleep either.


I don't know how some people do it. They seem to be able to burn the candle at both ends and still stay wonderfully cheerful. Perhaps they've found some wonderful drug that I don't know about :glare:.

I haven't slept for more than a few hours in a row for the last month and although I try to catch a few zzz's here and there, I am getting waaayyy too overtired. My poor kids are starting to feel the brunt of it. Mommy tends to be a little overly touchy (my niece calls it itchy) when she is getting really over tired.

I don't really need any advice, just needed to whine for a little bit. Sorry for taking up anyone's time.

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I don't know how some people do it. They seem to be able to burn the candle at both ends and still stay wonderfully cheerful. Perhaps they've found some wonderful drug that I don't know about :glare:.

I haven't slept for more than a few hours in a row for the last month and although I try to catch a few zzz's here and there, I am getting waaayyy too overtired. My poor kids are starting to feel the brunt of it. Mommy tends to be a little overly touchy (my niece calls it itchy) when she is getting really over tired.

I don't really need any advice, just needed to whine for a little bit. Sorry for taking up anyone's time.


I've been there. It SUCKS!!! :grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug: I don't sleep much from Sept through May, and while I do well for awhile, eventually I reach that point also. Is there a specific reason you aren't sleeping? Any way you can get a night of good sleep in?


:grouphug: Don't beat yourself up. Nobody has found the wonderful drug... we're just PRETENDING to be wonderfully cheerful! :D


:iagree:Reality check.

Hope you get some good sleep soon! Is it insomnia or something else?


I started having nightmares again about 6 months ago. As they get worse, so does my sleep. Eventually I'm sure it'll all even back out.

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:grouphug: Don't beat yourself up. Nobody has found the wonderful drug... we're just PRETENDING to be wonderfully cheerful! :D


Love this. So true. I get very little sleep. It has been disjointed for almost 14 years with night time waking, but in the last 3 months I average about 3-4 hours a night. I am not as miserable as I could be, I try very hard not to be though I admit my patience level is very very low. I pretend to be cheerful and drink coffee like it is going out of style. You get to a point too where your body deems this the new normal and you manage. My biggest issue isn't that I am grumpy it;s that in order to drive for more than 15 minutes at a time I have to have a power nap first(15-20 minutes) or I will fall asleep at the wheel. I am hoping that come Saturday I will start catching up on sleep. 3 kids will be gone by Saturday, 1 for 5 days, 1 for 2 weeks and 1 for 1 month. I plan to catch up on sleep over those 5 days by heading to bed when dd4 does.

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