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Does anyone else get motion sick at movie theaters?

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I have always been prone to motion sickness. Most amusement rides are disastrous for me. (The worst one, by far, was Star Tours at Disneyland.) :ack2:


Lately, I get that motion sick feeling at the movie theater. Bee Movie was terrible. I could barely stomach it. I could only sit through the first few minutes of Indiana Jones, then spent the rest of the time in the car. Last night at Hancock, I did okay, but was feeling queasy by the end of the movie. I try to sit in the back of the theater.


I'm not sure if this has gotten worse as I've gotten older or always been there. We didn't go to the movie theater for years, when our dc were younger.


Does anyone else have this problem, or am I just a wimp? Is there anything that can be done to help it? It's annoying, and my dc are at the age where they want to go to more movies.

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I get motion sickness in movie theaters, but not in real life. I think it's because the visuals do not go with what the inner ear is detecting. It helps me to sit near the back of the cinema.



I have always been prone to motion sickness. Most amusement rides are disastrous for me. (The worst one, by far, was Star Tours at Disneyland.) :ack2:


Lately, I get that motion sick feeling at the movie theater. Bee Movie was terrible. I could barely stomach it. I could only sit through the first few minutes of Indiana Jones, then spent the rest of the time in the car. Last night at Hancock, I did okay, but was feeling queasy by the end of the movie. I try to sit in the back of the theater.


I'm not sure if this has gotten worse as I've gotten older or always been there. We didn't go to the movie theater for years, when our dc were younger.


Does anyone else have this problem, or am I just a wimp? Is there anything that can be done to help it? It's annoying, and my dc are at the age where they want to go to more movies.

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but I get sick if it is as if I am being moved rapidly in odd directions. Spiderman type movement and sometimes the big panoramic scenes do me in - like Lord of the Rings when they pan around the scenery or pivot the camera while panning.


I think that it is a new technology that allows the camera to move more than one direction at once - so since they can they do! It's been occasional in the past and getting more frequent - a trend in current cinematography I think. Dunno.


I usually close my eyes until DH or the DCs tell me the camera has settled down. I can usually watch these same movies on a small screen (ie TV that's not too big) with no problem.

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Yep. Most difenatly with the big screen and sometimes even with the TV. It helps if I take a decongestant or Dramamine. It helps a teeny tiny bit more if I wear my distance glasses that correct my astigmatism. Nothing tho takes away the feeling that my body is moving even tho I am setting. I hate it.


A couple of times I had vertigo for the rest of the day after watching something on the big screen. Transformers did that to me, I was extreemly dizzy, could not place my body in space and I was walking funny, tripping and..... and wanting to relieve my stomach of its contents :glare: Ugggh!!


Even as a kid I got car sick, air sick, sea sick, ect... I don't to amusement park rides or most Imax movies. I don't get on a boat, plane, or set in the back seat of a car for a long drive unless I have taken some Dramamine. I have done the roadside up chuck too many times to go without.

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I don't get motion sick at movie theaters, and I don't get carsick, but I have the hardest time watching my son play video games. Just about any game does it--the only time I'm okay is when I'm watching him play his ancient sega and the motion just goes up and down. The skating games and the racing games are just too much for me.


I can watch for a while, but J knows that "I feel barfy" means he'd better let me leave the room. :ack2:

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Me, me, me. Didn't think twice about avoiding the Blair Witch Project with the hand held cameras. The first movie I remember having to leave was Blue Thunder; I almost vomited in the theatre. Video games with 3-D graphics can do it too... I miss the old 2-D animated games.

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I'm OK in most regular theaters. I cannot do the IMAX things. I can't do the virtual rides at theme parks. Heck, I can't even watch the kids play Guitar Hero without being nauseous for hours. I also cannot ride in the back seat of a car for more than about 10 minutes.


Unlike Moira, I wasn't smart enough to stop watching Blair Witch Project until I was sick. ;)

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Oh yes, terribly!! One of the studios used to have a thing at the beginning of their movie that was like you were flying over a maze and I have to close my eyes for that!! I don't do well at Imax movies AT ALL and even regular movies that have much motion make me sick!! I also get car sick very easily. It has gotten worse as I have gotten older!

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I could have said the same thing as you. Whether it's in a theater, on a carnival ride or even a swing in the playground, I get motion sickness now that I'm older. It seemed to start after having my children. Do you suppose that could have some bearing?


It's a weird problem for sure. My husband thinks I'm a weenie and my kids have all been disappointed, but if I give in to them I'll end up hurling up my lunch.


So in a nutshell, no Diana, you are not an oddball. There is something to this!




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I got so nauseous during The Constant Gardener (weird camera style, sort of like handheld, lots of dizzying angles) that I had to come home and go to bed halfway through. But, in retrospect, I'm sort of glad, because the movie was so deeply depressing that I probably would have felt even worse if I'd seen the whole thing.

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I do, but it's only been as I've gotten older. I don't get motion sick in general. Cars, amusement parks etc. are fine. Computer games, and movies, though, especially since camera shots have become so fast paced (meaning they don't linger on one shot......they're cutting here there and everywhere about every 2 sec.), and there are so many sweeping, moving.....oy......scenes. I think the first time it really hit me was several years ago when I watched fugitive at the theatre with my dh. We ended up with a seat too close to the screen, and the whole helicopter flying thing at the beginning just about did me in. I had to close my eyes. That was the beginning. I have to be careful now. A friend gave us the Disney World promo video that highlights all the parks, and my ds loves watching it, but I swear all he has to do is put that thing on and I get sick just knowing its on. It literally cuts scenes every 1-2 seconds. I've learned to just close my eyes when I need to. I end up with a sick/headachy thing for hours, though. Yuck. I'm right with ya. Its a royal pain.


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