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Vehicle what to do.

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We have an 8yo import mini-van (I can PM you exact year/model if you need but prefer to keep details to a minimum). It currently has 125,000miles and even though we've maintained it fairly well it has a few problems.


1. Oil leak- has been present for a couple years now. 2 separate places have told us that it's a $1000 fix, not NECESSARY, but no way to do it for cheaper due to location of leak.


2. Tranny issues are cropping up. Again, we're servicing what we can but likely in the next 6mos will need a new transmission.


3..Needs 4 new tires as the current tires are 4 years old.


Altogether this is going to cost us give or take $4500 to fix this 8 year old vehicle. :willy_nilly:


It's a matter of time before the brakes will need to be done (we haven't had them done in a long time) and who knows what else. :tongue_smilie:


Given the mileage, would you just repair or start looking to ditch this and get another?

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Well, I suppose it would be determined by your plan of purchase. We are a no car payment family. The only payment we have is our mortgage and we would love to eliminate that. If you have the cash for the repairs but wouldn't have cash to purchase a newer vehicle.. I would do the repairs. If you aren't against a car payment and will be getting one in the future, period.. then I would go ahead and trade it in now.

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I know. :( We've always paid cash too. In the last year we bought (in cash) a vehicle for dh and then it cost us thousands in repairs that just freakishly came out of the blue so between the two my vehicle fund was significantly depleted.


I hate to put $4500 into this van only to find out a bunch more is going to go wrong after that. I hate to go in debt too. Ok, I just hate having to have 2 vehicles. :tongue_smilie:

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I'd probably see if I could replace the vehicle with something a little newer for that cash.


Otoh, my van is older than that with more miles, and it's doing pretty well and has only needed minimal work in the year we've had it. $4500 is probably more than I'd want to put into it all at once, but $2000 might not be. Tires, some parts -- okay. Transmission or engine -- I think those are the points at which I'd be looking to replace the vehicle.

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We usually buy older used vehicles, so we're used to the minimal repairs. The transmission near failing is when we usually start looking at another vehicle. at that point it seems the repairs start to outweigh the life left in the vehicle. I'd use the 4500 to start looking for another car.


We currently have two older cars. One has 250k, the other 170k, so far no tranny issues, so the mileage alone wouldn't phase me.

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How much could you get for it if you sold it or traded it in? Would that plus $4500 (or whatever you do have in your vehicle replacement fund) be enough to get you something newer? That would be my first choice plan...


Unfortunately, not much. Not with the tranny going and the oil leak. :(


To get something newer, we'd have to go into debt. I don't love the idea. I also don't love the idea of putting $4500 into this one and then it needing more work due to age.


Dh says we haven't done the timing belt yet so there's that too. :willy_nilly:

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I would be shopping for a new car.


My Subaru made it to 100,000 miles before it failed inspection and needed about $5000 worth of repairs. My mechanic did not feel it was worth fixing and recommended I not go more than a couple blocks away from home because it was in danger of dying any second. :confused:


I traded it in for $2000 towards a new car.


I make multi-state trips on a regular basis and need a reliable car.

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We are also a no car payment family. We did a tranny replace on an aprox 10+ish year vehicle that had around 150K miles on it. Ya, most people thought we were nuts. We bought a few more years with that repair. Honestly, we would do the repairs- especially with that mileage. Find a good repair guy you trust.


We are fortunate to have an "auto ministry" at our church. they will do repairs for people- the guy donates the labor. But- he will also tell you what you absolutely have to do to remain safe on the road and what can wait. See if there is anything like that in your area. Also, not sure if you have emissions testing or road- worthy testing where you are, but where we lived before- if you don't pass- there is a mechanic that can help.


I would image the oil leak can wait- just MONITOR. Depending on what your tranny is doing, ours did weird stuff FOREVER before it finally got to the point it wouldn't run. Tires are of course a must- now.


I know, not much help. Sorry- cars suck.

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