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Why are both my arms....

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asleep/tingly/numb when I wake up? I never had this issue when I was younger. I have noticed within the past two or three years (with growing frequency) that I will wake up and my arms are asleep. Wondering if it's our bed, my pillow, etc.. It is definitely annoying.

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Welcome to middle age. I got a better pillow and if I wake up on my back, I turn onto my side and tell myself to stay put. Also, no clenching fists at night. Place a thin pillow between your hands.


Sometimes people end up needing surgery for this. Pain and weakness in the hands is usually what drives people to it, but you might want a doc to check you out for more subtle signs of cervical stenosis or CT. You might also want to get your B12 checked. It doesn't cause positional numbness, but it can insidiously change your sense of feeling and could make any other insult to the nerves more noticeable. (NB, this latter bit is an educated guess.)

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You aren't on any new medication are you? (Well, I guess it would be 2-3 year old medication... :tongue_smilie:) My hands, feet, and face occasionally get the tingly, just waking up feeling, but it's from medication that I'm on. Just another thought.


No, I take no medications other than the occasional ibuprofen for headaches. I started with tendonitis in one of my shoulders around the same time this started up. Was told the tendonitis was the angle I was using the computer while doing my college studies. My guess is the angle my arms are when using my computer (desk is too tall or our chair is too short, lol ) weighing 50 lbs too much, and not being in great shape. I have taken measures to lose weight and have lost 4 so far.. only 46 pounds to go :p Maybe a better pillow will aid as well. I also have issues with restless legs and they gave me FITS last night... So I am not surprised this morning my arms weren't behaving lol... maybe I am getting old :p

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Thanks for reminding me of this! I actually had the same symptoms for a while; I don't remember when they stopped exactly.


I did end up finally getting a contoured memory foam pillow, since I was having neck pain in addition to the tingling, and just couldn't get comfortable. Since most of our pillows are at least 6 years old, I thought I deserved to splurge :tongue_smilie:. I have been sleeping well and comfortably ever since.


And yes, since I hit the "lost 30 pounds" mark as of today :D, that may have helped as well.

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I have this problem off and on too. I've found that I've started to sleep with my hands under my rear (flat, plams down) more for some reason--I think sometimes it's because they're cold, but otherwise, I have no idea why. However, you mentioned tendinitis in your shoulder--that started up a few years ago for me too, in both shoulders, and my elbows and even my finger joints are achy and inflamed. Now, I've known for around two years that gluten gives me digestive issues, but it was only a few months ago that I discovered that when I stop eating all gluten (even the small amounts that don't give me raging heartburn), my joint pain goes away, and so does the tingling/numbness. So while you're looking for solutions, maybe give that one a go?


Good luck in figuring it out (and losing weight--I need to do the same!).

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Well, when I was having that problem, I found exercising, using weights to build upper body strength, too, solved the problem. Must have improved the blood flow. The problem's back after a stressful year, so I need to get moving again.

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It could be nerve issues. I would visit a chiropractor. My big toe tingled for 2 months after my son was born. I also had a few other aches and pains. I went to a massage therapist and It got much much worse, went to the chiropractor and was better in one visit.

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