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Need input fast!

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I watch two boys during the summer. We go to a local school for breakfast/lunch where yesterday the younger boy (7) pooped in a urinal. I only found out because he told my older dc yet said he didn't want to tell if it would get him in trouble (he's not the brightest bulb in the box). His mom questioned him and apparently he either had to use the urinal or he would go in his pants (not sure why but that's what he said). The consequence is that he gets to pick up the dog poop at his house for a week using gloves and that he doesn't get to leave the cafeteria without one of my older boys going with him.


Here's my dilemma: We know the ladies who work there very well. They have high regard for our children and our family overall. I'm afraid that if they somehow find out that we know who used the urinal in that way and we didn't inform them that they will see that as deceitful. Make sense? My question is, do we tell them it was the 7yo boy? Do we ask his mom to tell them? Or do we just let this go and hope no one ever finds out that we know?


The boys are arriving in about 15 minutes...please give me input!!

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I probably wouldn't say anything.


That said, he's 7. Maybe he went in and all the stalls were full? NOT condoning his decision...but a boy of age 7 who REALLY needs to go? I can see where his *logic* came from. :)


(Or maybe he started at the urinal and then realized he should have chosen a stall?)

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I should have added that it was his 10yo brother who was with him and informed the ladies that someone had gone in the urinal. Don't know if that makes any difference. Oh, and that these are two of the most deceitful boys I've ever known (worse than my own son who could win a prize for deceit, unfortunately). sigh

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Just let it go. This is not a big deal. :001_smile: I honestly do not feel like this child should be punished. If he was in the habit of doing this it might be concerning, but this wouldn't even be a blip on my radar. :D

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I would just let it go. My oldest has doesn't always have much advance warning when he needs to go to the bathroom and will have an accident if he doesn't get to the toilet immediately. I imagine the little boy saw the urinal like a toilet and didn't realize the outcome.


Unless this has been something he has been spoken to about in the past I don't really understand why he is being punished.

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