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I can't believe I asked my Mom this...

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Don't be upset with yourself. If you hadn't asked her, and something had happened, you would have always wondered if asking her might have made a difference.


And if she's suffering from dementia, there's a very strong chance that she won't remember what you said -- and even if she was completely coherent, I think she would have been touched by your request, as I think it was very sweet.


:iagree: and :grouphug:

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Quick background: My Mom is in her 80s and lives in a nursing home a couple hours away. She has dementia and is one of the most determined people I know.


Yesterday, I asked my Mom to try to live until Monday so we can all see her as a family one more time. If she remembers, we have a good chance of seeing her alive one more time. But she really wants to be gone. NOW.


I feel badly that I asked.


Wow. That's really heavy. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I think it was a loving thing to do. I understand why you did it.




I remember having a long talk with my mom, telling her it was ok to let go, everyone woild be fine, we would all miss her, she was a great mom, etc...... I worded it much better than that (and wrote about it here) but you get my point. She worked up the strength to respond. I could see how hard it was for her. I just knew in my heart it would be something which would impact me, something I would always remember. Why I felt that when she was in the end stage of dementia is beyond me.


Her final words? Shut Up!!! And she never spoke again. :crying:


I still laugh about it to this day.:lol:


Enjoy your visit with your mom. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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