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You know You're A Hs'er When...

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What's really funny is that put a cpl of board books in his path, and he just goes for them, ignoring any other toys! :lol:


He's not hands and knees crawling just yet...but it's coming. He's doing the tummy/commando crawl squirm.

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I have the cutest picture of my son around 9 months of age, sitting and "reading" a board book. He was a preemie and so tiny, so it is a funny picture because he looks like an itty bitty baby "reading." He is looking so seriously at the book it is crazy.

Fast forward ten years... He asked me a few weeks ago if he could have his own "reading chair" for his room. Bought him one and what did he do? Stay up all night and read! :001_huh: I was battling insomnia that night and was up walking the house in the middle of the night when I realized his light was still on. I went in to turn it off and stood there, blinking rapidly, when I realized he was curled up in his new chair, reading Shakespeare. :lol:

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I put this as my FB status, and of course someone says, "What's that got to do w/hsing? My babies did that too!"


Give me a break. Does *everything* have to be a debate?


I'll be honest, I don't know many non hsing families that have their livingroom lined w/bookshelves, crammed w/kids books. We easily have over 400 of them. Some bought, gifts, and hand me downs.

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I put this as my FB status, and of course someone says, "What's that got to do w/hsing? My babies did that too!"


Give me a break. Does *everything* have to be a debate?


I'll be honest, I don't know many non hsing families that have their livingroom lined w/bookshelves, crammed w/kids books. We easily have over 400 of them. Some bought, gifts, and hand me downs.


I used to think, when I was a kid, that everyone's house must have bookshelves lining the walls. Since all my best friends were homeschoolers as well, I just didn't realize. Now, as an adult, I've noticed that it just isn't something that the rest of the world does.

If only my kids had been interested in reading the books instead of eating them. :glare:

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Hi! I'm kind of new here. Been lurking for quite awhile, but just joined about a week ago and have only posted a few times, but...


This made me smile. My now 21 month old did the same thing as a younger baby (well, minus the commando crawl). Now when he sees me pull out a book to read to him, he squeals with delight and comes running to climb up into the chair beside me. Many times he gets the book and brings it to me, giggling excitedly all the way. Isn't it precious!:001_wub:

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