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What kind of doctor for hip pain?

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I have had hip pain for a solid year on one side. It flairs up and then calms down, but it has kept me from exercising for a year. Actually, I have lots of excuses for not exercising, but that has been good for the whole year.


I suspect bursitis. I can't take anti-inflammatory drugs though. I am not even sure what they could do for me or what should be ruled out, but where would I even go first? Orthopedics?

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Where in your hip exactly: Have you done anything for it? Exercises, stretches, etc.? I have SI joint problems and a bad right hip. The chiropractor works miracles (find a good one!), after that I would look into blood tests for rheumatism and x-rays. An orthopedic doc or physical therapy depending on those results.

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I have had hip pain for a solid year on one side. It flairs up and then calms down, but it has kept me from exercising for a year. Actually, I have lots of excuses for not exercising, but that has been good for the whole year.


I suspect bursitis. I can't take anti-inflammatory drugs though. I am not even sure what they could do for me or what should be ruled out, but where would I even go first? Orthopedics?


Do you keep a phone in your pocket? I had bursitis in my hip for months, and I finally realized it was from the constant irritation of my cell phone rubbing against it. I quit carrying the phone in my pocket and the bursitis went away in a few weeks. Hurt like the devil for awhile though.

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An orthopedic surgeon is going to want to shoot a bunch of Xrays. Then the doctor and you will look at the hip socket to see how much cartilage you have. If you are getting bone-on-bone (or towards it) it will show on the X-rays.


If you are bone on bone and you see white lines (like stress lines) running from the point of bone-on-bone contact and radiating into the bone, that is not good.


A good doctor will be able to apprise where you are. And if something like a hip-replacement is not what you need then you can look at therapy and/or things like chiropractic or yoga.



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Here's a

showing the test for psoas (front of your hip) and trochanteric (side of your hip) bursitis. It's easy to do on yourself. If you have bursitis, it's usually pretty obvious with these movements.


Of course, you should see your doctor if you are concerned. :)

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If you see a chiropractor or an orthopedic, you would still benefit from this book. Each chapter prescribes a series of positions or stretches for pain depending on the joint of origin. It is written by a physical therapist and concentrates on principles of physics. The author claims that we, as a society, are not active enough and do not put our joints through their full range of motion resulting in joint pain and damage.


I suffered with hip pain for over a year and this book helped me see improvement in a matter of days.

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Physical Therapist. Don't delay. Trust me.


I've had hip pain on & off most of my adult life. Never given it much thought. Hip issues run deeply in my family. My brother & I can pop our hips in & out of place far too easily at times. Mine makes a GROSS sound when I do specific leg lifts on one side.


Running on the beach didn't cause it pain. Walking fast or running on blacktop/hard surfaces did. I kept at it & then had excruciating knee pain & swelling.


Turned out, because I didn't get hip help I pulled the fat pad out of place in my knee. 2 years later the stupid knee is still messed up. *sigh* I also saw a foot Dr who was a total um.. jerk. Three people told me I needed foot help too to level everything out. Foot guy disagreed, then prescribed a pair of "mid range" shoes that were close to $300. They were NOT midrange, BUT if I wear those stinking shoes I have NO PAIN which is AMAZING. :D

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I would see a PT. You may need to see your PCP first, depending on your insurance plan.


It could be many things, and only a full evaluation would give you an accurate diagnosis.


For things like sacroiliac joint pain, I'd want someone who will not only help get things back into place, but who will also give strengthening, stretching and stretching exercises for example.


I would avoid going to someone who expects you to come back over and over to be adjusted without giving you strengthening and stretching and more comprehensive treatment to prevent or avoid next time. I have seen that happen with *some* chiros.


If you are an appropriate candidate, PTs can use modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, etc. to help with pain and inflammation.


I have seen PCPs misdiagnose a lot of musculoskeletal issues.

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Orthopedist first- especially since you've been in pain for so long. 3 out of the 5 people in my house have hip pain- all different reasons. An X-ray will help the diagnosis. We do see a chiropractor- and it provides relief, but not enough- that's why they've all been x-rayed. Two had to have intense physical therapy.


True "hip" pain will be in the groin area- where the joint is. Pain on the outside of the hip is more likely inflammation- one of mine has Trochanteric Bursitis, another Ilio-Tibial band Syndrome. One, unfortunately, has some arthritis.


Rest and ice after exercise, along with an antiflammmatory, (ibuprofen) helps.


I hope you feel better soon!

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