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looking for a Good Fish Oil supplement

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I have my children on the Diane Craft Biology of Behavior supplement program. I am following it to but I am looking for a good fish oil supplement that mirrors the kids EFA Blendfor Children by nature's way.


She recommends 1000 mgs for adults of a good fish oil, 1300 mg Evening Primrose Oil, and 100 i.u. of Vitamin E. Does anyone know of a supplement with those specs without having to take the 8 capsules of the children's supplement?

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My children and I take the Nordic Naturals liquids. They have some that are noted as "Children's," but they are exactly the same as the Adult ones, just in different flavors. The only difference is the dosage -- on the Children's one, it's 1/2 teaspoon, and on the Adult's one, it's a whole teaspoon -- but teaspoon for teaspoon, they have the same amounts (though I'm not sure what they are off the top of my head).

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Nordic Naturals. My son is special needs, and I have been on special needs boards/facebook etc., and many recommend Nordic Naturals fish oil. If you buy the Jr 3/6/9., you get 500mg I think per 1 or 2 capsules. The adult version is the same, it's just 1000mg per 1 or 2 capsules. But I think one of them has primrose in it. One is EFA (Essential Fatty Acids), the other is EPA. I don't know what EPA stand for. I give my son one or two of each. He hasn't taken them in the last month, I need to start giving them to him again. They taste like lemons and he likes them. My oldest doesn't like them. Honestly, I think it makes somewhat of a difference, but who really knows if it's the vitamins or development.


I give my son NutriiVeda by Zrii. It is a weight loss drink, but it apparently helps special needs kids. He has been taking it for about a year. It isn't 'cheap', $80/month, and it actually tastes really good. I buy the chocolate flavor and add a frozen banana to it. He loves it. It doesn't have gluten or fake sugar - I think it has Stevia in it. I think the person who runs CHERAB (for late talkers) was using it as a fund raiser, gave it to her son, noticed improvement and had her friends use it on their special needs children, and they noticed improvements, so it's a popular thing among those who travel to the CHERAB facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cherab/

You have to ask for the original forumula, and it may be $88 now. I got in when it was $80, and they have never raised my price.


Lots of good info on the CHERAB facebook page. As with fish oil...does the Nutriiveda work? I don't know if it does or if it is development, but it doesn't hurt, and he is improving, so I keep giving it to him. We call it his 'special drink'. :)



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My son's DAN! recommended Nordic Naturals ultimate omega. she said the ultimate omega jr was okay (strawberry), but he'd have to take more. She'd originally recommended their liquid, but he will only swallow pills. He hated the gummies. there is a ratio of EPA to DHA, and they need more 3 & 9 than they do 6 because that one is usually plentiful in our diets.

Edited by gardenmom5
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I don't know what the exact specs are, but I give dd Barleans Omega Swirl. They do something to it so your body can absorb more of the omega-3s, and it tastes like dessert. :001_smile:


This stuff is wonderful! We love it at our house - the pina colada and the mango/peach flavors are our favorites. Yum!

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