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Gardening Gurus... I've got a question!

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I just got a call from our organizer to let me know that after 4 years on a wait-list, I've been allotted d a community garden plot! I'm super excited but also a bit nervous, as I applied for this plot two whole children ago...


Anyway, I get it next Monday. We are in zone 7/8 on those little colored map thingies.


Is there anything I can start this late in the season? I know carrots and radishes and salad, but is it too late for all else? Should I be planning my fall plantings?


I've only grown a few veggie gardens in my life, and non in the last ten years. And all on a much smaller scale. This plot is approximately 10' x 12', which seems huge.

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I'm not close to 7/8. I do know some folks in the south tend to garden more spring and fall rather than over the summer like us northern gardeners. The heat can be a bit much.


Gardenweb has a lot of great forums. This section has their regional forums. You can choose your specific region (southwest, southern coastal US, etc.). Its a great place to ask questions.

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Last week, I just put in my tomatoes and bell peppers. (I'm in 6-7, so my season is shorter than yours is.) They will be fine, but will need watering.


If you can't find any in the store, there's a neat trick and older lady taught me.

You can break off a little bit of an established tomato plant's stem and put it in water for a couple weeks. It will grow roots and you can then plant it in the ground.


Sweet corn should be fine if you can get it watered. Also, sunflowers will do well too. You have a long growing season, so for you, the issue won't be running out of time before winter, it will be keeping things alive in the hottest, driest part of the year.

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Here's a link to a zone 7/8 planting calendar. http://www.thevegetablegarden.info/resources/planting-schedules/zones-7-8-planting-schedule

There is plenty you can plant! Some of this may need to be adapted for local conditions, so you might want to befriend an experienced gardener in your area and ask some questions.


I love our community garden :001_smile: I've got three 10' x 20' plots, plus some space in our backyard. It's easy to fill a plot quickly with space-hogs like artichokes, melons, pumpkins and uncaged tomatoes, so plan it out in advance.


Happy gardening!

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I just got a call from our organizer to let me know that after 4 years on a wait-list, I've been allotted d a community garden plot! I'm super excited but also a bit nervous, as I applied for this plot two whole children ago...


Anyway, I get it next Monday. We are in zone 7/8 on those little colored map thingies.


Is there anything I can start this late in the season? I know carrots and radishes and salad, but is it too late for all else? Should I be planning my fall plantings?


I've only grown a few veggie gardens in my life, and non in the last ten years. And all on a much smaller scale. This plot is approximately 10' x 12', which seems huge.




First, I would look at the soil and add organic matter (such as peat moss) and whatever fertilizer/lime you may need. Check with people in neighboring plot to see if you need any fencing to keep out animals.


Greens -- I'd avoid lettuce right now (likes cooler climates). But you can plant swiss chard -- it grows quickly & tolerates heat -- sow the seed directly in the ground. You can put in fall cabbages later in the summer (start the seed in flats).


Legumes -- you can make plantings of bush beans now -- sow into the ground. Pole beans take a bit longer.


Fruit veggies. If you can find large pots of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants in a garden center, they can be put in now. Just make sure you get varieties that ripen in a short period of time. Ripening periods can vary a lot -- info should be on the label. I think there would be time for cucumbers (can be grown on a netting fence) and summer squash also.


Roots -- it's a bit late for radishes (heat). If you can still find onion sets (bulbs), they will grow quickly.


You could do a lot worse than browsing through the Burpee catalogue, even if you don't plan to order from them this year.


Don't forget herbs -- basil is easily grown from seed. And flowers for cutting -- zinnias are easy from seed -- you would want the long stemmed big ones, not the compact ones that garden centers usually carry.

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Oh my. I just got my garden plot. It's 800 square feet! Holy smokes...


So exciting! Is it fenced for you or will you need to add that? I ask because my DB recently got a community plot and planted all sorts of peppers that were quickly devoured by rabbits.


You will want to put up a fence if there isn't one provided.

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