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The Well-Trained Moms

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An online friend and I are beginning a classical self-education study group on Facebook. The group is called "The Well-Trained Moms" (https://www.facebook.com/groups/354042451315868/)


Right now we have five members (although only 3-4 are active), and it is loosely run around the ideas mentioned in the Well-Educated Mind, and Susan's article "Educating Ourselves".


We are starting at the beginning - currently reading "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren.


We have once weekly "meetings" on Facebook chat. If interest holds, I would be open to Skype "meetings" as well.


I don't want people to feel like they "have" to start at the beginning if they want to be involved in the group- but you can share your self education goals, your progress, and we can see what the group can become!


Thanks and let me know if you have any questions!! (If you can't join the group, friend request me and I will add you. I am not sure how Facebook works exactly. Learning process. :P )

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Ooh, sounds fun! Can I join if I'm already in the middle of a couple of different self-education reading projects online?


Sure! Really, I think we will be benefit from members who are further along in their journey. Plus, you might give an idea or two to another member who doesn't know where to start. :)

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We are starting at the beginning - currently reading "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren.


We have once weekly "meetings" on Facebook chat. If interest holds, I would be open to Skype "meetings" as well.


Yes! It's the book I have! Sorry.


I don't have Well Educated Mind though, is that ok?


Sending join request now. (Like I need something else to do!)

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Is there a way to join in if I'm not on Facebook? I don't want to be on Facebook, but would LOVE to be a part of your group!


Right now it is only a Facebook group, I'm sorry. Would love to hear ideas on other avenues where we could explore & meet, though.

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