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Poll: Mommy? Or not?

Is it weird?  

  1. 1. Is it weird?

    • Yep, it's weird! Put a stop to it NOW!
    • Well, it's okay, but.... (please explain)
    • No, it's not weird!
    • The ever-present OTHER (pleas explain)

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I have to admit that I would find it a little odd for a boy of that age to say "Mommy" in public, and as a parent, I would be more worried that he'd be teased by his peers than about what some random woman at church thinks.


But it would be a very, very small blip on my mental radar, and depending on the kid, I might also think, "How cool that he has such a close relationship with his mother!" If it doesn't bother you and it doesn't bother him, what's the harm?



My five all still use Mommy. (Oldest is about to turn 14.) Doesn't bother me, but I will admit to worrying that it might sound cloying to others. *I* know that it's absolutely sincere and just what they call me, but I "get" why others might cringe.

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I wonder what church lady would have said if they called you Brindee.



She'd probably say, "I can't believe you let your child call you by your first name! That is disrespectful. If one of my children even TRIED to call me by my first name they'd get smacked by their dad or me!"


Yep, that's about what she'd say!:001_smile: They believe in "spare the rod, spoil the child" hands-on discipline! I think their children obeyed more out of fear than respect.

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In OUR situation, it IS a closeness thing, so that's why I'd refer to it as a close family thing, but I see Colleen's point about it not always meaning that--habit comes into play too.


Yes, that's true -- but my comment about your close family was based not on the fact that they call you "Mommy," but on your other posts where it seemed like that to me.


My neighbor's adult children and grandkids call her all kinds of "sweet" names -- and treat her like dirt. So I know it's not automatic. :)

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I voted it's ok, but.... Mommy and daddy are names typically associated with younger children. As they mature, they usually switch to mom and dad from exposure to other, older children. So an older teen might get some strange looks at times. (Of course, we taught my ds to use mom and dad from the very beginning.)


However, is this switch more often a regional switch? From listening to Shelby Foote and TV shows I've gotten the idea that, in the south, adults still use mommy/mama and daddy.

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One of the sweetest things I heard last year was my 15 and 17 yr nieces calling my sister "Mommy". I asked her about it and she said they call her both.


When my younger dd called my "Mom", the dropped jaw and the shocked and hurt look on my face quickly reversed it to Mommy. (At times I go for the guilt.) My girls are still young, but we are still Mommy and Daddy.

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Really? That's just what I wrote! Bud (47) and his brother (49 and a Fire Chief) refer to their mom as Mommy but call her Ma.


Are they from New Jersey by any chance? I always wondered if it was regional. I'm from Texas and it's Mama and Mom as far as I'm concerned.

They are from Brooklyn, NY. It probably *is* regional!! ;)

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Yes, that's true -- but my comment about your close family was based not on the fact that they call you "Mommy," but on your other posts where it seemed like that to me.
Thankyou, I'm glad you said that! I am THRILLED to have a close relationship with my two teenagers and my dd11! It's exciting because, in general, it's NOT the "in" thing to have a close relationship with parents when you're a teenager!


Oh, and this same lady from church (she's known us since our boys were little and before dd was born) said, "Wait 'til they're teenagers. They won't be as respectful to you as they are now! They turn into animals then!" Well, I love her dearly (really I do, though she's very outspoken), but I'm so pleased that her prediction did not come true!:001_smile:

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For some reason, "Mommy" brings to my mind preschool and early elementary children. "Mama" does not. So, if your dc called you "Mama" I wouldn't think a thing about it, but calling you "Mommy" beyond age 10 would seem a little unusual. "Daddy," on the other hand, seems fine into adulthood. Can you tell I have Southern roots? :)

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