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can eating tofu make hot flashes worse

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I can't say from experience, but from everything I've ever read, soy is suppose to help with hot flashes. I asked a couple of older women if soy had ever had an adverse effect on their hot flashes and they said no.


Was that the first time you ever ate it? I'm assuming not so maybe that's not it. I say to see what happens if you eat it again or if the hot flashes come back just as strong without eating it.


I hope you can figure it out! :)

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There is conflicting data as to whether soy, in general, is better for health or worse.


Maybe you could do a few more (nonscientific) experiments on yourself and if you find it bothers you then avoid it. (I did and I do.) :001_smile:

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Thanks ladies!! I'm not sure which came first in this case. Sunday, I was craving tofu pudding and made a batch. Today, I'm crampy, have a headache and having hot flashes. Now, it is pretty close to "that time" IF it is going to start (at my age/stage I never know). Last month, something similar happened and after a couple days of enjoying tofu pudding, and pad thai with tofu, I did have a very short 2 day cycle. I think I shall just enjoy some regular dairy pudding and lay off the tofu............

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