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Vinegar-wart people - am I torturing my child for a reason?

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We started with the apple cider vinegar a few days ago and my two year old screams like a banshee whenever I apply the vinegar. There is no broken skin and I can't figure out whether he's screaming because it's cold or because it is actually killing him. Does it hurt quite a bit? And is it working? I don't mind continuing on with this form of torture if it's going to make his warts go away because no matter how many times he insists that he wikes his warts I would like nothing more than to get rid of all of them.


So - is this vinegar thing really successful?

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Vinegar didn't hurt my dd, she just hated the smell. We did it for quite some time, and it seemed like the warts were going away- but they call came back and invited their little friends.


I tried a salicylic acid treatment from the drug store- same thing. We got some burned off yesterday, but that was painful and dd has about 30 warts now. Dr. suggested an over-the-counter antacid- Tagamet- in a pretty high dose. Evidently there have been studies done using it against warts. I googled this, and it seems to work a little better than a placebo. Great.


If anyone else has some wart removal ideas, I'm open to anything at this point!



We started with the apple cider vinegar a few days ago and my two year old screams like a banshee whenever I apply the vinegar. There is no broken skin and I can't figure out whether he's screaming because it's cold or because it is actually killing him. Does it hurt quite a bit? And is it working? I don't mind continuing on with this form of torture if it's going to make his warts go away because no matter how many times he insists that he wikes his warts I would like nothing more than to get rid of all of them.


So - is this vinegar thing really successful?

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My dd9 used apple cider vinegar twice a day on a bunch of little warts on her hand. She never complained that it hurt. It took about 3 weeks and they were gone. They haven't come back. A friend of mine said her daughter's warts cleared up after a few weeks of giving her a high quality multi-vitamin. I've also heard duct tape works, but haven't tried it. My older dd had one removed by the doctor, but it came back the size of a nickel! The doc had to remove it again and it finally went away. I hope you find something that works. Warts can be painful.

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btw, Apple cider vinegar doesnt need to be refrigerated. Not sure if it will help but with a 2 year old anything is possible.:001_smile: Hope you find the right cure.


We started with the apple cider vinegar a few days ago and my two year old screams like a banshee whenever I apply the vinegar. There is no broken skin and I can't figure out whether he's screaming because it's cold or because it is actually killing him. Does it hurt quite a bit? And is it working? I don't mind continuing on with this form of torture if it's going to make his warts go away because no matter how many times he insists that he wikes his warts I would like nothing more than to get rid of all of them.


So - is this vinegar thing really successful?

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Our doctor actually suggested we try duct tape before he would use the chemical stuff. It worked, but took a while. I have one on my toe that I want gone, but I will wait until sandal weather is over. Can you imagine a big hunk of duct tape with my sandals? It would be worse than the wart!

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I have one on my pinky and I am willing to try. I know I've seen it here but never paid attention because I didn't NEED to. :001_smile:


Just cover it with a strip of duct tape, like a band aid. Actually, DS covered the duct tape with a bandage when we went out in public just to stop people from questioning why he had duct tape on his finger.

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We started with the apple cider vinegar a few days ago and my two year old screams like a banshee whenever I apply the vinegar. There is no broken skin and I can't figure out whether he's screaming because it's cold or because it is actually killing him. Does it hurt quite a bit? And is it working? I don't mind continuing on with this form of torture if it's going to make his warts go away because no matter how many times he insists that he wikes his warts I would like nothing more than to get rid of all of them.


So - is this vinegar thing really successful?


I highly recommend having them frozen off. It was the only way that work for me to get rid of them. Burning hurts and leaves scares. I never had much luck with vinegar or Compound W.


I don't think the vinegar should hurt the wart. Some of the warts, I had as a child were painful to the touch. It depends where they are on the body.


Best wishes for you and your ds. I will keep you in my thoughts. I hated having them.

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Try using clear nail polish. Firefly posted about this on the old boards last year. Just cover the wart w/ clear nail polish. I used this method on two of my dc w/ good results. I applied it every night at bedtime. I think it took about 2 weeks. We had previously tried the freezing, and that didn't work, but this did, and no pain!



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Vinegar didn't hurt my dd, she just hated the smell. We did it for quite some time, and it seemed like the warts were going away- but they call came back and invited their little friends.


I tried a salicylic acid treatment from the drug store- same thing. We got some burned off yesterday, but that was painful and dd has about 30 warts now. Dr. suggested an over-the-counter antacid- Tagamet- in a pretty high dose. Evidently there have been studies done using it against warts. I googled this, and it seems to work a little better than a placebo. Great.


If anyone else has some wart removal ideas, I'm open to anything at this point!


We used Tagamet for ds5 and it worked great. He took two pills a day (he weighed 35 pounds) for about 3 months. just when is seemed it was not working - Poof! they were gone. I do recommend it.

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Try using clear nail polish. Firefly posted about this on the old boards last year. Just cover the wart w/ clear nail polish. I used this method on two of my dc w/ good results. I applied it every night at bedtime. I think it took about 2 weeks. We had previously tried the freezing, and that didn't work, but this did, and no pain!


This is what we always did "in the good ol' days." Someone -- I think it was our doctor -- told my Mom that it seals it off so it doesn't get air/oxygen. That might be why the duct tape works, too.

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For those who don't want tape to show, use a piece of duct tape the size of the wart and just cover it with a bandage.


We are using apple cider vinegar on our son's wart and it does seem to affect him sometimes. It's cold because we're using "the good stuff", Bragg's brand, with the mother in it. The placement of the wart also makes it particularly sensitive for him.


Our doctor also recommended banana peels, apple peels or orange peels.


Increasing your child's Vitamin C intake during treatment and for a time after the wart disappears is supposed to help, since they are caused by a virus.

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