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I hate bathing suit season!!!!!!

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I hate it, I hate it! I can fool myself with clothes but in a suit, forget it. I haven't bought a new one in years. Sometimes it's not just how I look in a suit, it's finding one that is modest, yet stylish!:ack2:


I mean really, am I asking too much for a suit that makes me look my age--not like a teenager but not like my mother either, costs less than a vacation, and flatters me even a little bit?!?! I wouldn't even bother getting one this year but my dear husband decided to invite his entire family (and extended family) to celebrate the 4th at our local rec center and he wants everyone to go swimming. Uggghguug!


Okay, I am feeling much better now....just needed to vent. I think I will have another brownie and just not worry about it. I mean a great author I really like (Federicka Mathews Green) once wrote an essay about our changing bodies (as we age). She said in fairy tales who is thin and who is plump--think about it. The evil witch/step-mother/evil fairy is almost always thin and vain and well beautiful but in an ugly way, where as the plump woman is almost always the fairy godmother or other kind lady who is beautiful inside and out. She goes on to say that as we age we maybe we shouldn't be afraid to be a little plump, it seems cosier, nicer, kinder somehow.


At least that is what I am going to be telling myself as I slaunter into the pool area on the 4th!:thumbup:

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Oh, your fav author is RIGHT!!! My memories of the pool as a kid are of my mom getting grouchy about her 20 yo swimsuit & her figure.


Right now, my mil diets more frequently than I do. It's like a hobby. And you know how it makes me feel? Like a slacker! I bet she doesn't know that, though.


I've decided. If I want to eat healthier or something when I'm older, fine. But I'm not going to talk about it. And there *has* to be an age when I. don't. care. I owe it to the 20-somethings, don't you think?


Plus, besides fairy tales, think about real life. When you meet someone thin & gorgeous, you are either completely intimidated by them or you don't trust them. (Or is that just me, lol?) Someone with a little fluff puts *everyone* at ease. Am I willing to make that sacrifice? Soon.


What am I saying? I'm 9mos pg. I'm *making* that sacrifice. Although...I haven't noticed people being particularly *comfortable* around me...more like inching away...hmmm... ;) lol.

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Ahh...a women after my own heart. I do get intimidated by beautiful women!! and the super thin ones somehow seem very "pointy" to me--you know all angles and bones and such.


I am wanting to be healthy too and that doesn't mean for my body a size 2. I will gladly settle for a size 6 or a smaller 8 at this point. I mean I have to stop telling everyone I still haven't lost my baby fat when my baby is 15 years old now but I also love food and don't want to worry about every little calorie I eat!


You are right about the 20 year olds too. (Ahem, getting on my discounted soap box here) I was there--I looked like they do (then) and you know what--I wouldn't go back for all the thin-ness in the world! I have earned every little gray hair (as my daughter says gray hair denotes wisdom) and wrinkle with years of living and doing and being and by golly I just need to look at myself in the mirror and say "you're special and beautiful and by golly people like you!" ;) (just a little throwback to a classic SNL skit)



Oh my, I must be tired--I am cracking myself up here! Or maybe just cracking up????

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I mean really, am I asking too much for a suit that makes me look my age--not like a teenager but not like my mother either, costs less than a vacation, and flatters me even a little bit?!?! I wouldn't even bother getting one this year but my dear husband decided to invite his entire family (and extended family) to celebrate the 4th at our local rec center and he wants everyone to go swimming. Uggghguug!



I wear glasses. I go to the beach wearing a sarong over my bathers, I go right to the water, take off my glasses, wrap them in my sarong, and I can't see anyone's face anymore.:lol:. I can go for a swim hoping that everyone else can't see me just as I can't see them.:lol:

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I wear glasses. I go to the beach wearing a sarong over my bathers, I go right to the water, take off my glasses, wrap them in my sarong, and I can't see anyone's face anymore.:lol:. I can go for a swim hoping that everyone else can't see me just as I can't see them.:lol:


I so agree with the sarong thing or some other sort of cover-up. They can hide a lot of flaws and make you feel much more in your comfort zone in public. They are very trendy right now too which is a very good thing! :D I have a tankini that has the little skirt thing on the bottom, but if I were in a public place I would want an additional longer sarong over top of it.


I have also noticed that the older women I know who are plumper are much younger looking than the thin ones who tend to show every wrinkle and sag. While I think that excess weight gain as we age is not healthy, I also think that a few extra pounds, even twenty extra for some, is fine and even desirable. Nutrition and exercise seem to be more important than actual weight to some extent as we age.

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I'm sorry for your bathing suit troubles. I agree that we just have to accept our bodies as they are. We go to a Christian family camp every summer with a group of friends and family. The matriarchs (my mil and her friends) sit around in their modest bathing suits lounging and talking seemingly without a care that they have might spider veins (the fruit of bearing children) or some dimples on their thighs. I love them for it. I'm half their age and half as confident. They might be pudgier than they were in their 20's, but they look how they're supposed to look and I think they look GREAT!


As for me, I'm thankful to be pg this summer. Normally, I'm worried about how my legs look or if my tummy is flat enough. This year, there's no hiding my tummy and maternity bathing suits aren't too bad. Do I look "hot" in the pool? No, but I'm not intimidating either. ;)


BTW, Land's End has really great suits that are modest and stylish. Unfortunately, you probably don't have time to order one before the 4th, but keep it mind.

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Have you seen some of the ladies that wear bikini's and bathing suits TOO small for them!!


I wasn't going to even bother getting in our neighborhood pool this year, because I don't like how I look in my bathing suit. I saw some ladies come to the pool and I thought...I would not be caught dead in a bikini or that bathing suit...they hung out(not vulgar) in places that were..EWW, they had stretch marks and their bellies hung over the bottoms.. I am sorry, when I was a teen, yes I would have worn a bikini's--because I had the figure. I DON"T have it now and I have stretch marks that I don't like.


But I started thinking, if these people don't care, why should I care what I wear and I am covered, with nothing hanging out...I wear the shortinis

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Sears stores carry Lands End. Some do, anyway. I have found them to be tasteful, comfortable, lasting suits. I hope you can feel good about yourself in your own skin. You should come to our local city pool and do some people watching. I guarantee that you will think a lot more highly of your own body then;). Some of the tiny things that are worn with a great deal falling out and over would shock you. And yet, I still feel self-conscious. We women are a crazy lot, aren't we?

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Furthermore, one only hurts oneself by staying away from something they love because of self-perception. I know. I didn't go to the beach or wear a bathing suit for 20 years because of my weight.


I just got up one day last year and didn't care anymore. I have been happier, and accomplished several personal goals (several of which I have posted about) this year, because of just not caring what other people think in the past year!!!



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She said in fairy tales who is thin and who is plump--think about it. The evil witch/step-mother/evil fairy is almost always thin and vain and well beautiful but in an ugly way, where as the plump woman is almost always the fairy godmother or other kind lady who is beautiful inside and out.



Oh, I am so gonna grab onto that!!

Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo

It'll do magic believe it or not




Yup, I am plump and round and I can do good magic, unlike those skinny people with their mirror-mirror on the wall!!!

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Thanks guys--:iagree: In the light of morning, everything that you guys have said is exactly what I am going to do!


I did, finally, find a bathing suit (at Kohls) that is modest, didn't quite require I sign over my first born and is my age!!!!! I'm almost looking forward to the picnic instead of dreading it.


Thanks for listening to me gripe:tongue_smilie:it really helped alot!

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I mean really, am I asking too much for a suit that makes me look my age--not like a teenager but not like my mother either, costs less than a vacation, and flatters me even a little bit?!?!


You are speaking my language, sister! I love the one I have right now, but it is getting too worn and I can NOT find one that I like!!!!

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