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Eight loads of laundry done and put away.

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Ah! That feels better, eh?


I had big plans today, but I have done very little besides play on-line and read library books. I have a pain in my neck and I couldn't face all the bust-tush cleaning I meant to do.

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I also got rid of another bag of clothes. The house is finally starting to shape up.


What did you do today? Nothing is always an acceptable answer. ;)


Only eight loads? Lightweight. ;)


Just kidding! I had a good day of accomplishment, too! Got the weekly deep cleaning done, finished the rest of Mt. Laundry, cleaned up the back yard, and listed some things for sale on craigslist. Yay us!

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Well, I cooked today and tomorrows dinner this morning before breakfast (I stress cook and the VA didn't pay our housing stipend today) and then I finished reading my book series...and then me and the kids road to the gas station and bought king size candy bars.. very productive day here :lol:

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Eight loads?! Good for you! That's great!


We have a neighborhood garage sale next weekend. I finished going through my stuff!!!! My house is SOOOOOOO decluttered! Love it!


Now, I just need to organize my garage sale stuff! I can't fit my cars in the garage because we have so much stuff to get rid of!

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We did school. I made a batch of cheddar cheese and got it into the press. I worked with one of the horses. I did 2 loads of laundry (not even close to your 8! lol) We were also babysitting a few extra kids.

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I did two loads of laundry and then declared my washer really did need to be repaired. I won't be able to wash clothes until Tuesday at the earliest. :glare: The hall closet that is being turned into a partial bookshelf is looking nice, the last book boxes are upstairs waiting for me to finish and we can actually walk through the downstairs without tripping over something. I'm tired now. I will continue tomorrow. I'm hoping to actually have a dining room and no boxes in the living room by Sunday night (I don't care where they are as long as it's not in the living room). Moving on short notice never turns out well for me. I'm going to have boxes for months hanging around this place.

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We did school this morning. This afternoon we used some kids bowl free coupons and then bought groceries. I came home, cooked and ate supper, and now we are watching Dr Who on the laptop. Not necessarily productive but at least we got out :) 58 degree weather for the first of June is throwing me off.

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I am in the car right now riding home from NY to NC - with four teens and dh - since 7:30 this morning. We had a flat tire in the rain, and now I know why we took 2 days going up. We are still about an hour and a half out, and I am absolutely loopy at this point.


My laundry day will be tomorrow, and I don't even want to think about how many loads I will have. I am going to spend next week decluttering and deep cleaning. You're ahead of me.

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