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Art supplies for each child or enough to share?

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I'm about to place an order with Dick Blick and I'm debating on what to do as far as purchasing.


I have dd9 who is EXTREMELY artistic and really doesn't like anyone fussing with her art supplies.


I have dd7 who really doesn't have a preference, unless she's in a mood.


Then ds3 whom is too small to know he has a choice. :lol:


So should I purchase smaller sets so each child can have their own of each supply or one larger set for them to all share??


I don't mind getting cheaper boxes of crayons and colored pencils that they can use to color in their coloring books and such, but when they are doing anything school related they will be instructed to use the nicer art supplies.

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For basic crafts, narrations, note-booking, etc, my two kids share big tubs of colored pencils, markers and crayons we've been collecting over the years. But the each have a nice set of colored pencils for their map work and some art.


They definitely got their own paint-brushes. If your oldest is a picky artist, and you will paint, definitely get her her own brushes. Little ones tend to destroy those.

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I'm about to place an order with Dick Blick and I'm debating on what to do as far as purchasing.


I have dd9 who is EXTREMELY artistic and really doesn't like anyone fussing with her art supplies.


I have dd7 who really doesn't have a preference, unless she's in a mood.


Then ds3 whom is too small to know he has a choice. :lol:


So should I purchase smaller sets so each child can have their own of each supply or one larger set for them to all share??


I don't mind getting cheaper boxes of crayons and colored pencils that they can use to color in their coloring books and such, but when they are doing anything school related they will be instructed to use the nicer art supplies.


If you can afford to do so, I'd suggest separate supplies, and ones suited to ages and abilities of the individual children, not necessarily a matched set of things for each. Paints, which if decent quality tend to be quite expensive, can be shared, but having separate brushes and separate palettes onto which you put the day's personal allotment of paint for each child, for example, would probably work. Youngest probably only needs one big handled, wide brush. Olders could use somewhat thinner finer ones.

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Having her own colored pencils and erasers really mattered to dd too. At that age she really wanted things kept a certain way. Her brother wadded the erasers and ruined the pencil tips! Caused a lot of bickering. Paper etc was shared. She is now a serious artist. She spends her own money on much of it and is completely separate.

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Thank you so much for the input.


DD9 is really into drawing, painting, and art in general. I really think that it's a good idea to get each of them their own stuff based on their skill and age.


I currently share all our paints as I have control over the amounts alloted to each child per project and that's worked out just fine.

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I am a huge advocate of the Basic Human Rights.

is the right to own things. I have some art supplies here that all of my tutoring students can use, but everyone is quickly given, or assisted in purchasing, their own art supplies. Personal art supplies are a BIG deal here, because it is also combined with the idea that is bigger than the human rights. "You were created in the image of a creator; you were created to create."
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Both. We have huge tubs full of crayons, markers and coloring pencils that they use collectively. Same with paper.


My oldest is pretty artsy though and he gets fussy about markers running out of ink or his favorite pen missing. So he has his own box with markers and pens and his sketch pencils. He also has his own sketch pads.


My 4 year old has a pencil case with his own markers and pencils as well as his own sketch pad.


They both have their own pair of scissors.


But things like paint and brushes, play doh, clay, glue, stickers, beads, etc---those things are either freely available or I keep some supplies out of reach for special projects or to keep down on unnecessary messes.

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I have a sewing/craft room and the kids know I share all of it, except to please ask before using obviously fancy embellishments and such just to make sure I don't have a plan for them (which is rare). Though, sometimes DD says she can't tell me what she is using because it is a surprise.


I DO have my own prismacolor pencils as does she, and we don't share. We like to tips just so, and it's just easier. I will always replenish art supplies, unless it is something she wants to buy with her allowance that I normally would not. I try to supply hobby/craft things for them separately. Paper, and paint/brushes are for everyone though I have plenty.

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