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Challenging Word Problems or Intensive Practice?


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I wouldn't be able to give up either... BUT... to recommend only one, I'd go with IP over CWP. The IP books have word problems. The CWP often have tougher problems, but IP has word problems, some additional practice, and some problems that are quite a stretch.


(Although if you have time and money, get both :) )

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I think it depends on the reason for supplementing. The IP would be better if your student simply needs more of the same kind of practice than the workbook provides. The IP also has a variety of problems types, whereas the CWP just has the word problems. The CWP can be much more difficult than the workbook, so it would be good if you want to supplement for a student who needs more challenge.


From the first time I bought it and starting using it I have often thought that Challenging Word Problems is very aptly named!

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I think it depends on the reason for supplementing.

:iagree: As others have said, the CWPs contain word problems of varying difficulty. The IPs include a range of activities. Some are similar to what is already in the workbook; others are word problems; others are real puzzles.


I'd hate to give up either.

Edited by Lynnita
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You guys are going to make me buy both, aren't you? Reason for supplementing is that DS learns best through multiple curricula/methods with lots of reinforcement. Math is his weakest subject and I think that's because it's not one I am particularly fond of and was the one core subject for which I'd just stuck with one curriculum (he was using MUS, so not only one curriculum, but one that only teaches one way). Also, he has high-functioning autism and thinking outside the box is definitely something we have to work hard on.

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Funny a year a go, question was asked which one is more challenge and the consensus was IP and now is CWP..


I use both but find IP more thorough than CWP. DS has easier time with CWP so as a mean Mom, I uses IP as main supplement and add CWP as needed. But like many say, I will have hard time to give up either

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Yes, this.


I bought both for 1A and I seriously don't know when we're going to do it all. I have DD complete most everything in IP, which we like, but I don't seem to know how to get the CWP in. I'm tempted to sell it just so I don't have the stress of trying to fit it all in. :tongue_smilie:


IP because it includes word problems and puzzle type problems.
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We'll be starting second grade math, but I was looking at getting CWP and/or IP 1 so as not to discourage him since I'd read that a lot of people do that.


That's what we did for second grade. We did MM1, but they weren't ready for the 2nd grade CWP along with MM2. The practice problems in the CWP were confidence building and the challenging ones were still challenging at the grade below.

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We opted for the cwp with math mammoth. I've been reading a lot about the importance of solving word problems, so i wantedto make sure he gets alot. we are going to try this combo and see how it goes. From what I can see math mammoth has a lot more practice than sm, so I didn't get the SM ip book.



We did Singapore 1A and parts of B, and I felt all 3 workbooks were too time consuming, and DS started a mini revolt against math. So I would suggest, with SM as the spine, using the IP, as others said, so you get a good mix.



My ds is not a "mathy" kid though, so ymmv. :)

Edited by Runningmom80
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We'll be starting second grade math, but I was looking at getting CWP and/or IP 1 so as not to discourage him since I'd read that a lot of people do that.


I've read that some people use the CWP at a level lower than the other books and I think that could be a good idea for you. We started CWP 3 last year and dd worked through it okay at the end of the txtbk and wkbk (which is when I bought it), but even then there were several that she needed a fair amount of help with. This year I started the year with CWP 4 alongside each unit in the main text, but ended up setting it aside to use later because so many of the "challenging" problems were frustrating her even though she did fine with the other books. IP 4 has been at a good level for her to further her understanding and practice of what she's done in the textbook and workbook. We'll go back to CWP4 at the end of the other level 4 books.

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Another vote for IP. You get a variety of problems, including word problems, that are more challenging than the workbook. And the "challenge" problems really require you to think and stretch. At least that's been true for my kids (who are average, not gifted learners). Because of time constraints we skip around in IP and seldom do CWP. If being able to solve word problems was a struggle then using CWP would provide the needed practice.

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Last year when I asked, this board made me buy both. ;)


What ended up happening is that we did IP and never got to CWP. I'm going to use it for review this year so that is fine. I still haven't decided what to get for next year though.

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We'll be starting second grade math, but I was looking at getting CWP and/or IP 1 so as not to discourage him since I'd read that a lot of people do that.


We do the IP/CWP on a delayed schedule, especially the IP. I found that once the concepts were cemented it was much easier to tackle the challenge. When you are first learning something and then hit with a huge challenge it can be discouraging. So we've just started the CWP 1 as we're finishing up first grade.

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I've read that some people use the CWP at a level lower than the other books and I think that could be a good idea for you. We started CWP 3 last year and dd worked through it okay at the end of the txtbk and wkbk (which is when I bought it), but even then there were several that she needed a fair amount of help with. This year I started the year with CWP 4 alongside each unit in the main text, but ended up setting it aside to use later because so many of the "challenging" problems were frustrating her even though she did fine with the other books. IP 4 has been at a good level for her to further her understanding and practice of what she's done in the textbook and workbook. We'll go back to CWP4 at the end of the other level 4 books.

AACK! I just realized that your question was about Intensive Practice versus Challenging Word Problems and I was thinking and writing about Extra Practice versus CWP. I'm so sorry!!! Anywhere that I wrote IP (as above) I actually meant EP....:tongue_smilie: I don't have any experience with IP so I will try to sneak away quietly now...

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