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Do most people do this?

Jennifer L

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A lot of homeschoolers I know keep their kids studying the same history and science topics. For example their kids are studying American History and Astronmy using seperate curriculums for each kid.


I mean I get doing projects maybe field trips together I get that, but if you really can't find something for each of your kids that you like find something you do and just do it. That's a huge reason we homeschool for a custom tailored education. It's a little different if I was talking about combining using the same curriculum but does it really matter if your using seperate ones?


Curious if most people do this and I'm the one who's missing something? :bigear: :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Jennifer L
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I combine for science but not history, but seem to be in the minority. Since we used a literature-based history program (Sonlight), it is easier for me to keep the kids separate. That way, each one is working at his level without tweaking. We are using living book science program, but it has been easier for the boys to share and still be using appropriate material. I understand it is easier for some families to stay on the same subject but we like to branch out.

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I do for the sake of my own sanity. The don't use the same materials because one is grammar stage and one is logic stage, but the same topics? It doesn't make sense to me to do it any other way. It saves so much effort.


Why would I do years 2 and 4 of the history cycle at the same time? Where would I find the space for all those books? If one kid is reading about King Arthur why would I want another learning about WW2? It means so much more material around. More books from the library to possibly lose.


Why would I have one doing a year of biology and another doing physical science? Isn't it easier to just have them both doing the same subject area? The younger can observe the experiments of the elder, they can watch many of the same documentaries, I can put up posters with a diagram of an animal cell and a leaf and the human skeleton and it works for both boys.


If I have them on different subjects it means twice as much planning, twice as many materials around my house, twice as much juggling.


We get really into our history and science around here. It is a major part of our lives. We talk about it, get excited about it, fill our small space with what we are studying. If I had to double that it would just be chaotic.


I don't think "something in the universe is going to wrong" if I do it differently, but I have found a system that works for me. It sounds like you have found what works for you.

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I think it's just easier to have your own head in one subject, even if you're teaching it with different curricula.

:iagree: I always seem to agree with Farrar. :001_smile:


But yeah...the way I do history and science is largely pulling together a variety of books and whatever on a given topic, some are going to be better for DS and some better for DD. and I often like to read an adult-level thing on the topic, too, because when I'm engaged I am a better example for the kids. I don't have the time or energy for doing this separately for both my kids all the time, especially since their levels are not *that* far apart. That said this summer DS wants to study the solar system and DD wants to study bugs, so it isn't like it is a hard and fast rule around here.

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I think it's just easier to have your own head in one subject, even if you're teaching it with different curricula.

:iagree: Good grief, if I had to divide my thoughts into different times of history and different science topics, my head would explode!!


I really enjoy having all of the dc in one subject even if they use different curricula. Today, for example, we watched a fabulous Biology video and my 16yo (who is using Apologia), stopped to watch with us and discuss what was presented. It was nice to have her join in and beneficial for all.

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I don't. My dd is just in a different place and it's been easier to keep it seperate. I don't like that I have to level subjects down so her brothers can understand. I haven't mastered the art of teaching at her level and still having her brothers master the material as well. I ended up teaching twice anyway. She also paces herself by reading ahead, etc.


I keep my boys together though. There isn't much difference in their level and attention span.

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I think it really depends on what you're comfortable with. Because of the ages of my children, the relatively small gaps between ages, and the number of them, it is just easier for me to combine history and science. Then we can do read-alouds together that match those subjects and we can talk about the subjects together and the littles can "peel-off" any time they get bored with the discussion. But it really is different for every family!

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I think it really depends on what you're comfortable with. Because of the ages of my children, the relatively small gaps between ages, and the number of them, it is just easier for me to combine history and science. Then we can do read-alouds together that match those subjects and we can talk about the subjects together and the littles can "peel-off" any time they get bored with the discussion. But it really is different for every family!


:iagree: with this and with Farrar.

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