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hamster question...medical in nature

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Not to be gross or anything...but my son's hamster is bleeding from its anus...and there is something sticking out...but it's not poop...sorry for the gross description....what could be going on? We are not of the mind set of taking $20 hamster's to the vet and having a $50 bill (or whatever) from that...but we don't have any idea what could be going on...any idea??

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I'm so sorry; poor little guy.


I don't believe it sounds like wet tail from your description. Wet-tail causes symptoms that look more like bad diarrhea. I've never heard of blood coming out.


What it sounds like to me--and I did have this happen to one of my hamsters as a child--is a prolapsed anus or prolapsed intestine. Sadly, my hamster was put down. But it sounds like a specialist could do an operation if you were so inclined. Other than an operation, I believe there is no treatment.


I hope he's ok.


Scroll down this page for more info: http://www.hamster-club.com/health.asp

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I'm so sorry; poor little guy.


I don't believe it sounds like wet tail from your description. Wet-tail causes symptoms that look more like bad diarrhea. I've never heard of blood coming out.


What it sounds like to me--and I did have this happen to one of my hamsters as a child--is a prolapsed anus or prolapsed intestine. Sadly, my hamster was put down. But it sounds like a specialist could do an operation if you were so inclined. Other than an operation, I believe there is no treatment.


I hope he's ok.


Scroll down this page for more info: http://www.hamster-club.com/health.asp


this is more like it....what do we do...just wait until he dies???

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What it sounds like to me--and I did have this happen to one of my hamsters as a child--is a prolapsed anus or prolapsed intestine. Sadly, my hamster was put down. But it sounds like a specialist could do an operation if you were so inclined. Other than an operation, I believe there is no treatment.


Wet-tail can cause a hamster to have a prolapsed anus. It is described in the first link that was posted. An operation could repair it, but if it is being caused by wet-tail (which, is persistent diarrhea) then there is no cure.


I agree that there isn't much you can do other than keep him comfortable. You might ask the vet about euthanasia. I'm sorry about your hamster. I grew up with hamsters and my eldest dd has one now.

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this is more like it....what do we do...just wait until he dies???


I remember my hamster went on for a little while, seeming to be normally active and so on. The prolapse got worse and worse. Then we decided it was time to have him put down.


I hate to say it, but my dad took care of things like that. Believe me, I don't want to know any more details than I already know about that. When I was no longer living at home, I had a different hammie that had to be put down, and they did it for free at the humane society, I believe.


So sorry. :(

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He doesn't seem to be in pain...but we don't want this to go on too long either...my son (age 7) is VERY sad...he was the one whose hamster ran away and died several months ago...and now this. We told he we would get him a new one...but I don't want to wait weeks for this one to die...that would be too hard on my son. sigh!!


thank you all for your responses. I know it was a weird, gross post...and I appreciate you giving me some information that helped us figure it out.



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I just called the pet store..and the lady I spoke to said that he might heal from this...she said she lives on a farm and some of her farm animals have had protruding intestines and that the animal healed from it with time. So I don't know what to think...guess time will tell.

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If it doesn't go back in on its own it will be a pretty slow death and uncomfortable to say the least. If it doesn't heal I'd take him and have him euthanized. It is expensive but it is the price of having a pet, including the $20 ones.


When you have those kinds of small animals put down, they have to give an injection directly into the heart. You need to ask the vet to give him something first to knock him out - vets won't always do it as a matter of course.


It is possible to euthanize humanely at home with small animals, but it probably isn't worth the trouble for just one vet bill.

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If it doesn't go back in on its own it will be a pretty slow death and uncomfortable to say the least. If it doesn't heal I'd take him and have him euthanized. It is expensive but it is the price of having a pet, including the $20 ones.



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